
"If you want an accurate view of Aquaman you have to watch Batman the Brave and the Bold."

I wonder how that remake of 7 is coming. Any news on that? They need to remake 6 or 7, make 15, or get the fuck out. Oh, and Dragon Quest 11 would be nice as well, since they decided to muff up 10.

Well, you're right. That does sound stupid.

Better reception by a quarter the number of buyers, maybe. Also, they've strayed too far from their origins but need to be more original? What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm not sure what he's talking about, but he sucks total ass at throwing parties. Halfway over and the beer's gone? Feels like 14 all over again.

You saw the viking too, huh?

if they put out an HD remake of Loom, they have my money. Until then, not so much.

You get laughed at by many, many people, as long as you admit it in public.

So if you and your parents are the same level of stupid, does that mean you're not the next generation?

Yeah seriously. I mean, you're named after Jigglypuff. I don't know what i'd do without my glorious 1080p Pokemon games.

Holy shit! You're right! Do you work at NASA as head of astrophysics? You should, with such a complex understanding of the cosmos.

"I'll take: Stuff pretentious douchebags say for $200, Alex."

Yep, it started slow and boring, and stayed the course straight through to the end. Admirable.

That's weird. It was my love of Final Fantasy that forced me to turn 13 the fuck off and not play it anymore.

I played almost sixty hours of that piece of trash. It does not get better, in any way, shape, or form.

Removing any of those movies/books would be nothing more than censorship. So no, the specific titles don't matter a bit. This article makes my Jewish ancestry nervous.