This article is painfully short minded. The guy with zero experience has highly detailed advice for professionals who put their entire lives into this activity. It’s all so obvious isn’t it?

This whole issue isn’t that complicated.

What are the chances this game will eventually come to Wii U?

The highest of praise goes to Mr. Iwata for striving to preserve the art and uniqueness in gaming. Without Nintendo, the entire gaming landscape is a generic blur of content. If Nintendo ever, some how dies, that will be the day I stop playing video games all together. Completely disinterested in anything offered by

Man this is depressing... I always championed this guy for taking Nintendo from the borderline irrelevancy of the GameCube years to the two biggest successes of the industry, Wii and DS.

Hey! This article is Great! Super appreciate this.

It's very inconsiderate to post leaks....

You aren't bright. I'm not reading anything you write. Rationalize all by yourself bro.

pretty much everyone here needs to be quiet. This isn't a matter of opinion where you can disagree with Sakurai. Unless you have experience developing and releasing international block buster games like he does, you have no place disagreeing with what he is saying.

I don't see the part of this article where you are inclined to your own opinion... "I have to disagree". You aren't qualified to have an opinion here. Sakurai makes the game and would know all these facts, unless somehow your experience developing and releasing games rivals his, there us no part of this you are

So, lets try something new. When there is a leak, can we not put the details in the headline.... some of us don't want any part of these leaks and don't want to know anything more about this game.

Am I the only person upset that Snake is out of this smash bros?! Where is Snake!

Hey...not everyone wants to see the secret characters...

I don't get why this matters to you people? It's gross? Its free. Calm down. Stop trying to make yourself look like some high brow gaming purity bullshit loser.

There are MJ fans and then there are MJ fans... Still my favorite album of his!

This is the first perfect game ever made.

You read it from me first:

I suppose it deserves to win. These production games are whats in right now amongst critics. Games that have super innovative gameplay are not as surprising anymore. These games where the gameplay is passable and the production is through the roof are whats hot right now.

One more last gen Zero: