I'm honestly not trying to be a dick... but dont buy a Vita. It is selling so poorly, it isn't going to have anything but ports. It is guaranteed to have worse library than the PSP. If you are really that excited then go ahead will regret it in a year or two I think.

I'm not saying this to be a troll but based on all the current information available, it is not possible for the Vita to make a 3DS -like comeback and the system is likely dead already.

"The Wii U pretty much locks Nintendo in for another 5+ years of being a generation behind the competition. Not a huge problem to me (see: "The Wii is stellar" comment), but they've essentially lost both developer support and a large chunk of the "hardcore" audience (see: "Wii makes my eyes bleed" crowd)."

I'm just happy we have the noble Brian Ashcraft and eastx here to make sure that this sort of evil is brought to the public eye. It really is very important that entertainment companies not lie about announcing completely superfluous products to consumers.... This stuff really does matter a great deal.

This article states that the length of time it takes to get to the first dungeon, or labeled here as a tutorial dungeon, becomes longer with each Zelda game. This statement is simply misleading because it assumes that every first dungeon in a Zelda game acts as mainly a tutorial for the game. Because a tutorial is a

It's not his opinion. This article states that the length of time it takes to get to the first dungeon, or labeled here as a tutorial dungeon, becomes longer with each Zelda game. This statement is simply misleading because it assumes that every first dungeon in a Zelda game acts as mainly a tutorial for the game.

This article is false. The article it references is also false. False as in, not logically valid. Just seemingly valid upon a cursory glance ( continuing the trend of articles about Zelda for the past two years.)

Damn jaywontdart, you just proved how little you know of Zelda in one sentence.

Because of all of their success, Nintendo is looked at overly critically. Skyward Sword was the most ambitiously and polished designed gameplay experience of 2011, but because it isn't the best in the series and the presentation isn't the best ever, other games got more attention. The amazing Portal 2 and Skyrim have

Why did the hipster burn his tongue?

Sure, why not. Doesn't matter much either way.

SKyward Sword is underrated....

Its mostly because I don't enjoy music games very much. I have terrible rhythm. I played Guitar hero, dance central, even this harp mini game in Skyward Sword ( my all time favorite game) and I just dont enjoy it much. I never do well and I cant figure out why. I think it is because I have bad rhythm....

Biting commentary for the naysayers.

This game is going to be a big let down. Just watch.

I'm the biggest King Of Pop fan in the whole world and I even love dancing...but I still won't ever buy any of the MJ Experience games.... I'm glad to see people enjoying his music though, a whole new generation. Him and his music have become the closest to universal acclaim outside of The mighty and Unbeatable

Wow...this comment made me die laughing... hahaha the opening paragraph is hilariously true.

To the writer of this article:

Please tell me, which game has deeper and more gameplay variety than Zelda and Metroid... please tell me.. educate me...

I'm all for people being free to say whatever they want but lets face it: