Highly likely, but I gave about ______ that much of a shit because I still got a great deal and when compared to what every other dealer around the area was selling the same vehicle for wasn't even in the same ballpark.
Very, I did my research in advance and found several similar vehicles and priced them out through the dealers internet sales guys. Some were firm, others not so much (or at least claimed the price was negotiable). I ended up getting my girls CX-5 for $3k under sticker just by being reasonable, not acting like an ass…
I have a major rally boner right now!
That's awesome!
No biggie, I got you covered bro-ham:
Bright side cheaper aftermarket wheels.
Thanks man! Looks really similar from the layout/walls and stuff.
Oh, well its a good example for use of indoor space. It just looks really familiar.
Where is this? Looks like Kart 2000 in Frankfurt?
YAWN, C'mon Ford. Us Jalops are a little ahead of the times, put that shit on the moon already!
Feel da rhyme
Stig Keshavan driving the new Tata Super Nano, oh watch him tear through Chicago!
Roger that, for $1300 bucks I'll build two Hardware store sourced death traps. But I like the kart idea too.