
Rolf i didnt notice Heimdall was black ( i seriously mean it) until you just pointed it out. I have no problem with variety when its adequate. I dont think anyone should be looking for a reflection of themselves in Lol characters at least no aesthetically im just saying they should make a black character only if they

Do we really have nothing better to do? Do games need affirmative action too? Game creators as artist should not be required to represent any kind of particular ethnicity. Is a free mean and itis their creation they should create whatever they want.

Ruby and Emerald while called weapons are not machines , they are organic beings. Born from the planet itself no one made them.

Sephiroth would shrug off any conventional weapon attack from mass effect universe , he is way more powerful than reapers. He doesnt even need to strike shepard , he can just cast meteor from orbit and call it a day. Thats just one of the many OP spells he has. The funny part is he is even way more deadly at melee

Sephiroth would shrug off any conventional weapon attack from mass effect universe , he is way more powerful than reapers. He doesnt even need to strike shepard , he can just cast meteor from orbit and call it a day. Thats just one of the many OP spells he has. The funny part is he is even way more deadly at melee

The battle barges the space marines use would have little trouble killing reapers. From the various novels of 40k around one can easily deduce that a Daemon Prince is way more powerful an deadly than various reapers combined and there are some space marines that have won against Daemon Princes one v one. A single

At least they brought Cloud in cus i there is no one in mass effect universe strong enough to fight Sephiroth , for all one can infer from various source materials Sephiroth would have little trouble slicing a reaper in half. The level of power in anime based characters is way above western sci fi.

I love tales games and the last one i played was vesperia which i enjoyed thoroughly . I had no clue that Tales of Grace F even existed since i never bought a wii nor plan to buy one, so i pretty much oblivious to anything that releases on the wii. However while im a huge jrpg fan i was recently burned by ff13-2

except for a single screen gaming (ie no multiple screen link) you will never need this card at least not with current games. A amd 6850 1gig will run most of your games at almost max details. At the very least everything will still look better than consoles

im renting it. I know i will love it but i refuse to pay 60 bucks for 6 hour game.

the current salary is a pretty decent amount for a job that requires no previous education. My wife is from china she is a college graduate and she would make from 2500-4500 rmb a month on 8 hours shifts 6 days a week. So while it might seem like very little for us here at the U.S you can live in china with that

This was what happened to me. I haven't touched the game past the third hour and i cant imagine myself enduring that trend for 30 hours.

If i wanted dlc fest i would stick to wrpgs . i somewhat enjoyed 13 but i find myself unable to enjoy this game mainly because im sick of hearing lightning name every 10 seconds (if not less.... i hated her in 13) im trading in this game because ill doubt ill ever play it again.

the Warhammer 40k mmo isnt even out yet... i think your confusing it with WAR which was well terrible.

actually i dont mind the lone hero thing as long as the have complete personalities. I hate when developers make me do half the work.

melee combat is sluggish and repetitive and doesnt make me feel like in the foots of my character it makes me feel sluggish and slow and wondering why the hell cant he swing faster. Also i played it on 3rd person because i hate fps rpgs. I get the logic behind making it first person for the immersion and bla bla but

how i hate when they do that. Hate it bethesda games and hate it here. However the flashy combat somewhat makes up for it unlike the terrible combat in skyrim.

Now if only i didnt hate Lightning so much that i stopped playing the game because im sick of hearing her name and hate the fact that they have made such a big deal out of her when she was such a lame character in xiii.

I agree with most of what you said. I too found it to be disappointing and after playing the beta decided i would not pick up the game when releases. Its a shame cus i was looking forward to it.

dont remind of vaan i still have nightmares