read the previous post and about her one dimensional/bi polar attitude , that changes only when the story requires it without any kind of emotional sense
read the previous post and about her one dimensional/bi polar attitude , that changes only when the story requires it without any kind of emotional sense
I mean Fang had been the main character from the get go. Fang and Vanille story where at the center of the whole mess.
My question is why, that character was shallow as hell. It was completely bipolar, it went from "we can do it guys' to "we all gonna die" during the whole game at a whim and for no reason. It was a pretty character but had pretty much no influence on the story and would have matter little had she been killed off early…
People actually like that boring "we can do it"/"we all gonna die" two line character? I guess sex does sell. The only thing that character had going for her was her looks.
Sorry Lightning you are lame and i do not care about you, i wont be buying your dlc. I wish you had died during the first act of the first game.
Im really glad they went with the Serah/Noel Combo. This way instead of having the more one dimensional character in final fantasy history shoved down your throat as the main character(Lightning), now you get a dual lead role with both a male and a female which leaves you room to focus your attention on one as main…
They will get their trial , but the point is that they are not being sacked simply because copyright infringement. Are the charges true? Remains to be seen. But this was not done on a whim this was a case a that took years to build. Im pretty sure that at this point any trial will just be ceremonial the amount of…
That's the problem they were aware, they did nothing about it and of top of it promoted the uploading of such files. Read the indictment kotaku has a link for the full document.
I know is a lot to ask to read a 100 page+ document of legal gibberish, but if anyone takes the time to read it, it will find that the fact that illegal material was stored on their servers is on of the lesser charges, this went above and beyond simply storing data regardless of its nature. There was a whole massive…
This went far beyond piracy the document that was published regarding the charges clearly details all their dealings.
plenty of places you can find anime online. Both HQ quality paid and free lower quality.
If you read the full document of charges , you will find that was exactly what they were doing. The had a huge thing going on they are far from innocent. They were pretty much paying people to upload pirated stuff to their servers.
Non rpgs single player games like Unchartged , Gears , God of War , Ninja Gaiden, Darksiders and the like i will play in the hardest available difficulty for 2 reasons:
The problem is people generalize too much the game basic design followed, zelda but wasnt a mirror of it. The core world, the art , the way puzzles were solved, the bosses were hardly anything like zelda. The game definitly had a strong influence from the basic zelda concept. But so did Rygar for the ps2 (the game…
i found the story to be great and engaging. The ending left me craving for more. WAR always felt extremely powerful and worthy of its name. The character honor bound nature was what made it. I loved the game the first time then i loved it even more when i replayed it on PC. I simply cannot wait to see what death has…
It would if all games were the same , it doesnt say anything about me and people like beyond what i have already stated. There are plenty of games that are "complete" experiences and all you are required to do is experience it. Bethesda limits itself to make games and let you create the experience. Is not a bad thing…
dragons are quite easy regardless of the difficulty you play in. The are challenging only if you play as a mage that dies in 2 shots and even then you can just snipe it to death. I play a walking castle kind of character regardless of the difficulty i can sit infront of it and swing my weapon until dragon decides to…
these kind of games use the exact same kind of character archetypes that mainstream anime uses. Because that's the target audience in Japan.
I know in the west most people find the Japanese antics as melodramatic and silly but i actually quite enjoy them. I like the art Japanese art design a lot. I just which Lightning is indeed relegated to the bench since i hated her on ff13(worst ff "main"(to call her something cus she wasnt) ever). Im looking forward…
I know in the west most people find the Japanese antics as melodramatic and silly but i actually quite enjoy them. I like the art Japanese art design a lot. I just which Lightning is indeed relegated to the bench since i hated her on ff13(worst ff "main"(to call her something cus she wasnt) ever). Im looking forward…