Sword Art Online II
Sword Art Online II
I'm not Estonian, but I understand what you are saying and I completely agree. Most of these TV shows just don't do justice to facts, I mean could they production team have done at least some research into Estonia it's people/culture/etc. before trying to portrait Estonians on their show?
That song it's stuck in my mind, so I completely understand! crazy so many types so little time to choose!
Yes, that is exactly what is driving me nuts. Every time I watch this show, I'm just anxious for that scene to start and my mind goes into crazy mode! Damn you French people with your nice French song.
If you are an American then why is someone free speech is so threatening to you? Matter of fact you should be happy that PopTrogdor has a different opinion than yours. After all that is the #1 right in the US constitution, to protect at all cost the freedom of opinions and the freedom to express those opinions no…
Yes agreed but you know it's all about money now because Americans worship the almighty dollar more than an old & tired middle eastern "god".
yeah but I also think the problem was exacerbated by the fact that bioware decided to get rid of their lead writer for the 3rd game. I bet that Drew K. had a better ending in his mind but nooo they just had to go with Mac Walters crappy vision of how this amazing trilogy should end. Bottom line is was a bad move!
Yes, I totally agree with you. I'm also sick & tired of people even talking about tattoos!