stop posting content and making me click on it jerk


Well I had been reporting game lost for months, then eventually cancelled. (it was my only mail that was missing)

I was actually one of people he was stealing from.

There are reports WWE sent a memo that Benoit stuff will be there and there will be an advisory for any event he is on

shouldn't the whole event for a lounge for people of many diversities that want to play and enjoy the culture of video games?

how dare this guy work hard to make money

The plastic bag is what makes it easy to forget where you are.

I thought horses weren't allowed to play baseball

Nightmare Ant

I'll offer up to 3 dollars to vote for Todd Jones

I'm a very rational, objective fan because I'm a Braves fan

This isn't really a break, I'd be surprised if got a college football game any time in the near future

Microsoft clearly wants it horizontal because they are bringing back the horizontal stand. Take that Sony

That isn't the reality of the situation. The license holders and the deals they make require a game every to the point EA is losing millions for every year they fail to get an NBA game out. The NFL, FIFA etc deals demand full priced games every year, because that is how they make the most profit off of it.

Maybe you guys just weren't good enough to show the true talent of the great Alex Smith

I think Stefan's problem might have to do more with being a complete lunatic more than the Raiders on the field performance.

Hopefully the language used in voice chat is heavily monitored and the terrible stuff this will lead to will lead to people being banned.

There is no way the fire was hot enough to melt the ref's brain into giving the Seahawks that touchdown. It must have been an inside job.

"The San Antonio Spurs picked Tim Duncan on June 25, 1997, months before the Montreal Screwjob....Both the Tim Duncan and Bret Hart have had trouble with refs, which makes them the same person."