Cromartie not wanting the report to get out tried to grab reporter before he could publish the story and was flagged for it.

The person before tried to play Mirror's Edge this way but about 5 minutes in their head just exploded.

Now playing

It only seems like a lot because they occasionally just stop counting

ESPN First Take got straight to the hard hitting questions by asking him if there was a pizza named after him what kind of pizza would it be

I thought we established years ago it was a good idea for any one to leave Cleveland

"Crazy. Karma is a b****. Gets you every time. It's not good to wish bad on anybody. God sees everything!" James wrote while in Los Angeles with the Heat for Wednesday's game against the Clippers. The account is verified by Twitter

@Cynical Bastard: There has be some kind of record for +/- and that has to be close

Brady Hoke is the Michelin Man?

I took his 2002 card out of the packaging and it instantly burst into flames.

@OchentaYcinco: They obviously don't have same rigorous communications programs

@Phintastic: So you want to talk about weather?

I have no idea what Nick Fairley just said

@Steve U: Andy Reid decides to punt the ball back to the 30?

If the players get free Tostitos is that an improper benefit?

I'm surprised they didn't American Idol it and make us wait a day for that kick