Oregon offense is like what I do when I play NCAA drunk
Oregon offense is like what I do when I play NCAA drunk
For all the talks about the play calling system they really just started ignoring it
@DrJamesAndrews: Just some make and fix that color disparity
@Julian Vargas: I had to come back from campus that day walking for about a mile and half. I went home, cranked the air conditioner, and sat on my couch in just boxers at just 1 PM and started drinking beer.
@Julian Vargas: To be fair being from Boston and moving to Santa Clarita. That day it was 110. Fuck that shit
@Da Mang: Fuck that storm. It apparently hits Boston right at the time I need to be on a plane
Local Boston news just had a 5 minute piece interviewing women at a bar asking if they would let Rex Ryan see their feet
@vodkanaut: I didn't know anyone who has seen a BC game would be stupid enough to pick them. Their game plan is their 2 really awesome linebackers clothesline the other team into a turnover for a touchdown
The Nets are boldly attempting to make the "what if the Pistons got Carmelo instead of Darko" team
@WashingtonForeskins: Look it is a disease that makes me look this way
@vodkanaut: BC basically can only score if the defense does it it or puts the offense in position to not fuck up
@WashingtonForeskins: I have fist fought against the Boston accent my whole life.
Is this The Kraft Fight Hunger Nabisco Oscar Meyer Starving Children in Africa Oreo Hot Dog Macaroni and Cheese Bowl Open Post
I must have missed something. Did Vick do something with dogs?
@Desi_Relaford: It seems progressive to field an all gay team
@NordoftheBlings: More like NFC championship Packers at Seatle
@Always Winning: This summer see Paulie Shore in the The Coach
So the Seahawks are the only home team to win
The Chiefs are really consistent at making the worst possible play at the worst possible time
@Always Winning: I've never seen a QB with no one around him shuffle his feet so much. I bet he would great at Dance Dance Revolution