Braylon Edwards and Marshawn Lynch making clutch plays in the same day in the playoffs.
@SavetoFavorites: Cock to the ground
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: I'm always impressed when it snows in the northeast how many people need to buy shovels. What are these people doing with their shovels once they finish shoveling?
@Phintastic: Oh the say that all the time in the northeast. If old people can't handle negative 10 then they need to leave.
@sweatingmullets: Down her throat. Have to teach her the hard way
According to the sidebar this is also the first post about Lynch ever to not prominently feature his teeth
Qwest field was just digging deep into the Bud Light playbook
@gulag: They compromised at that with that black people can't be card holding members of Sox nation.
What is the fucking deal with Heinz field?
@Phintastic: 10 yards? That might strain his shoulder too much
Improved fielding will remove the ball bouncing of your outfielder's head feature.
@Now imma throw my gyroball: Tell him to be grateful you fixed the leak in his roof
@Phintastic: But won't Chad Pennington be back?
@Loose Cannon: The problem is Surhoff got 2 votes
@twoeightnine: Barry Larkin plans to improve his stats in 2011 by hacking the baseball reference site
@hugesunglasses: I was watching on ESPN3