Also this would go against the new offseason NFL rule, that all hirings must be approved by Brett Favre

@Forte_Oz._To_Freedom: I just imagine him throwing the flag and having it bounce off Vick's eye

Andy Reid running out of timeouts so he can't challenge?

@FavreFAIL: Peter King's pants fell off during it

So what was your favorite post I wrote this year? All of them?

Fuck. I already put comment of the year on my resume

So let me get this clear. There is a chance the Seahawks could be starting Charlie Whitehurst at home in a playoff game with a 7-9 record.

@Walk Off HBP: There were letters when he was he hurt then more letters after he died

@FavreFAIL: Some Sierra Nevada celebration ale. Because if there is a blizzard, may as well just drink

@Walk Off HBP: You had to actually look at all the posts to see if someone was replying to you. DUAN is certainly a hell of a lot easier now.

@Walk Off HBP: Chris Benoit Cultural Oddsmaker that made people turn in their privileges

@Rainbow Bright: That vest is made from the clothes of the elves he murdered

@BloggyMcBlogBlog: I don't understand it. Why run an offense that essentially screws you over when you need to play from behind?

@wyomingcowboyup: Im drinking Sierra Nevada so I don't k ow what younger talking about