@Always Winning: 16. Tashard Choice and Sproles are the only 2 RBs on the waiver wire predicted to score more than 1 point.
@Always Winning: 16. Tashard Choice and Sproles are the only 2 RBs on the waiver wire predicted to score more than 1 point.
@Always Winning: I'd take him
I don't think there were enough Redskins where Eli was trying to throw that pass
@AirBratz23: I realize now I have no right to complain about the Celtics at this point I guess
Both of these offenses seem painfully unorganized.
You clearly don't know about the celebratory traditions of Qatar of "milling about aimlessly".
Even planes don't want to be in Cleveland
So I'm downloading 7 gigs of Leslie Nielsen roles.
@JohnnyDrinky: Definitely. I'm sure it is class
@Always Winning: It seems to be.
So my odd alcohol I ended up with was Fig Vodka
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Hey have you ever heard you play to win the game?
@NoirJuggling: Story is fake and sucks
@Always Winning: You guys can have Dice K
@Bring Back BJ: You really need to stop talking about me right now, then cutting to what I think I will be at 25
@Always Winning: Even the NYPost picture of him in a Sox uniform disgusted me to consider the possibility that we would do something that stupid when Lowrie/Scutaro are just as good as Jeter at this point.
@Always Winning: Are there any Yankees fans willing to let him go?
@Desi_Relaford: This is how I feel as a Red Sox fan about Tim Wakefield
More Leslie Nielsen from strange places: