The insurance commercial with the little pig going wee-wee-wee needs to stop fucking with my nap.

@Desi_Relaford: He is great when you need someone to go for INT, miss, and let the other guy run for a TD

@Kid Canada: Daniel Bryan looked impressive.

I'm rereading the Bottom 100 and some of the unapproved comments are grand.

This Patriots offense is really struggling without Moss

Steve Johnson is a amazing human being

@vodkanaut: Have you tried picking up an eating disorder?

Bloodsport is still based on a true story right?

@Walk Off HBP: I still think they should be the Bombers

As he said that Hirshberg was holding a shovel and said he was on his way to New Mexico to start plan B

The Panthers have also expressed draft interests in Billy Flutie

Bill Simmons was right since day one on this one.