It’s true. Granny might not be 105. She could in fact be closer to 85.
...Still a far cry from the SeaWorld line that females’ lifespans in the wild are only 50 years at maximum.
It’s true. Granny might not be 105. She could in fact be closer to 85.
...Still a far cry from the SeaWorld line that females’ lifespans in the wild are only 50 years at maximum.
Thanks! I find it a little baffling when people assume that the words and phrases we use today had exactly the same meanings centuries ago. Languages evolve! Culture shifts! Heck, popular slang gets old within months. Why would political names remain static over decades? Part of the fascination of history is seeing…
“Can I show you what I’m proudest of? The orphanage. And also being featured on currency issued by the national bank you helped create.” MAKE THIS HAPPEN TREASURY
Do they though? I was under the impression that a race-bending, hip-hop-inflected, pro-immigration musical of which the Obamas are hugely vocal fans was not super popular with conservatives. But it is an objectively great piece of theater, which I would hope everybody can recognize.
Agreed! Early American history is bonkers and super, super interesting. It continues to be relevant not just because, let’s be real, it shows that American politics never really change, but also because the currents it set in motion continue to affect us today.
Because words change meanings over time. In our current context, “federalism” refers generally to valuing states’ autonomy rather than (or at least equal to) centralized national authority. In the late 1700s, it meant the opposite. Go figure!…
Actually a lot of contemporary conservatives are not at all fans of Hamilton, because at the time Federalists advocated for a very strong centralized authority — aka Big Government. Hamilton was all about centralizing power at the national rather than state level, as opposed to the more states’-rights-oriented…
I know this isn’t what they’re planning, but it would make my LIFE if they put Eliza on there instead.
Occasionally, I kick my husband out of bed in the middle of the night because he’s too fidgety and it’s four in the morning but I’ve yet to fall asleep due to his movement. He wanders out to the couch (we have an awesome sleeping couch, though, lest you think me a total monster) and all is peaceful until the next…
Everything about Jason freaks me out. He legitimately looks like a vampire.
It is a big deal because 1) it signals that regulators are finally standing up to SeaWorld’s demands and posturing and 2) it puts SeaWorld in a lose-lose situation. This expansion they were requesting clearance for, called Blue World, is a damage control effort, advertised as a state of the art facility meant to…
My pleasure! I watched/practiced the Jaclyn Hill tutorial a couple times and then busted out a smokier version of the look when I went clubbing in Vegas — I got tons of compliments all night! Hope this is helpful. And as with all makeup stuff, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment at random times. I…
Dooooo it. A lifesaver. How many times have I almost cried in frustration because I kept fucking up my stupid eyeliner wings? (A lot.) But with this doodad, a little swipe and everything’s fixed, no muss no fuss. Enjoy your Target therapy! <3
Ooh, sounds lovely! Bright colors like that are awesome but you’re right, they’re tricky to make work. And I’m terrible with getting sharp wings with the easiest of pigments. Here’s what I would do:
Oh no girl! So sorry to hear you’re having a tough time! If I cry within three hours of going to bed I wake up with enormous eyelids, and I cry all the time for basically no reason, so I’m pretty much an expert at this.
1. Lean your head wayyyyy back so your eyes are almost closed as you look in the mirror, place the…
Eeep don’t use those eyeshadow spongey brushes! They are unsanitary and also terrible at placing/blending shadow. Pick up a few regular brushes from an affordable brand like ELF (they are at most drugstores/Targets/Walmarts etc. and start at $1 per brush, though the $3 line is better). Maybe start with this to lay…
It’s so blatant. So, so blatant. How can anyone believe he’s not talking out of his ass, 100% of the time?
Ughhhh. I am a very picky sleeper, and it takes me forever to fall asleep, especially in an unfamiliar place. Having a person who is not my spouse in bed, fidgeting and making unfamiliar noises, is a nightmare, especially when there’s nowhere to go to escape (except the floor. Or the bathtub). And that awkward dance…
Agreed. We were just there in June and as soon as you walk more than 10 minutes you are pretty much alone with the geysers and hot pots, which is fantastic. My husband and I felt isolated enough that we started to be concerned about all the “bear-frequented area” signs we’d seen back at the visitor center...