
It would be more accurate to describe Priyanka as a Bollywood superstar. Calling her a former Miss World is like referring to former Miss Ohio Halle Berry.

I'm pretty sure that I have red wine coursing through my veins in place of actual blood at this point.

Agreed. There was something about her physical appearance that affected her self-esteem and relationships and she was able to change it and feel good about it. I don't see anything wrong with that. Auto-snarking plastic surgery just doesn't jibe with some of the people I know who've had plastic surgery and are really

Depending on a man is perfectly fine; I think it's pretty normal to depend on a husband, for example, and girls should be able to depend on their fathers. But the reason for dependency should always be mutual trust and obligation, not gender itself.

Susan Choi - and if you went to J school, you might like her because she uses historic events as inspiration. For example, American Woman used Patty Hearst and Person of Interest used the Unibomber

What about Huell? Is he still waiting in that motel room after Hank showed him that picture of "dead"Jesse?

How could you leave the smug Gray Matter people off the deathlist?

My proof that I actually read classic books is just how little I remember about them.

I have two degrees in English and let me tell you, there is no group of people more guilty of pretending to have read things they haven't, or denying their enjoyment of "low brow" fiction, than "English majors." No one wants to be the one who admits they never finished Beloved, or skipped class the day they were

You could've worded that last sentence differently..!

"The theatre is down and to the left, enjoy your movie."

Ha! I remember the days when it took skill and determination to take a selfie:
Insert the film, point the camera at yourself and hope you are all in frame. Take a photo. Wind the camera. Take another one (still blindly) from a slightly different angle, just in case the first didn't work. Repeat. Wait a few weeks to

I lost respect for her when it became clear that she had no self control over plucking her eyebrows.

Every picture I ever post of myself with the very rare (like 2-3/year) exception is make-up free. That is just how I look every day. I guess I'm just a freaking hero filled with bravery every damned day. LOL

I'm sorry, but no. I am a "curvy girl" with a skinny sister and while I've likely dealt with more shaming over the course of my life, I've also seen people be incredibly nasty to her about her weight, and watched her cry over people telling her that she's too skinny, she looks gross, and yes that she needs to eat a

I proposed to my wife on the shore of a lovely river in an ancient european capital. To get her there, I had to promise her ice cream, which she only sullenly accepted as bait. Once I proposed, she seemed a little confused, and then said "I guess."

Can anyone recommend a youtube makeup girl who is black with medium to deep complexion?

We should all try standing while driving a car on long trips. It has to be better for your back.

Oh my gawd. I've been watching Grey's Anatomy for ten years? But now I don't have to anymore! Thank you, Christina Yang! You can let go now. Go into the light, which is probably going to be a large bus traveling at 50 miles per hour through the observation window of an O.R.

Meat generally isn't considered produce