
Having read “Brightsided” and “Nickel and Dimed,” I think her broader point is less “go ahead, smoke!” and more “don’t be shitty to people who might need a cigarette to get through another miserable day of drudgery.” There’s a lot of social shaming attached to cigarette smoking. If it helps people choose not to smoke

Ditto except not an engineer. Part of the problem for me is both of my parents work blue collar jobs and I didn’t really have any help with negotiating or figuring out what a “good” salary was.

Judge Judy Sheindlin is an American icon and gem. She ought to be treasured and beloved, not disrespected. Shame on you!

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

Hey, Adam Driver was in those photoshoots because he wanted to, not because she made him.

Standard rule of thumb, the more weird and inappropriate places someone takes their pet to, the more staged Instagram pics they post, the shittier the owner.

And by earning white love, the Asian man gains acceptance in a society that has thwarted them from the very beginning.

It wasn’t gratuitous. It was directly from the book. Except the book disgustingly made it a non-POV character and it was all about Theon’s redemption saving a girl everyone forgot about from the first book. All of those chapters are how tortured poor Reek is having to watch a girl being raped by dogs.

Details? What did she do? What did you work as?

Anybody else giggle when they found out one of the perpetrators was a woman named Juan Wang? Anybody? Nobody? Well...I thought it was funny...

Is this what it feels like when a Spanish speakers tries to read Portuguese or Italian? No idea what any of this means, but they look like words I know.

I think that looking at it for an hour of work isn’t right, though. She may be performing for an hour, but the work that it takes to create that hour of comedy gold counts as many more hours of unpaid work. Writing, rehearsing, promoting, those things don’t pay on their own, and they take a ton of time. Say she makes

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

Thank God this change happened. I’m more than elated Trump got elected, by white, brown, and black men and women. Hopefully we can return to a civil society where rule of law and self sufficiency are the order of the day.

I’m assuming Harper Lee didn’t live a lavish, shopping and cocaine-filled lifestyle the way Lilo does.’re a Caleb, I take it?

Can we talk about the name Caleb? Never in my life have I met a Caleb who was not insufferable.