
slug bug for liife

Yes they were. Should've used death row inmates

Yes someone please explain this because I'm tired of getting told I'm ruining my fuel system by spending less on gas at walmart

Safety? Crossfit named two WoD's after people they sent to the hospital.

Probably the same place that lifted trucks are for the same thing.

Is it bad I've wanted one of these ever since hillbilly deluxe?

Out here deer are everywhere. You can get a license to hunt in peoples back yard in Little Rock AR

That is exactly the reason I quit at life. I couldn't take the bs any longer. Pissed me off to no end .

out here in east texas if you can beat the chopper you can dissapear.

you mean the evo?

and people hate on rednecks in trucks.

I guess out here in East Texas they don't get up to the full 10 gal/min because that was the fastest fill up I've ever seen.

What? A rally documentary? At whom do I throw massive amounts of money?

Speaking from the know basically nothing about the driverless cars. How will those work? Will they just function off radar and gps?

Yeah that's what I was attempting to spell. I knew it had something to do with fencing, and the french started carrying canes after swords were banned. So wires got crossed...too much random info in my head,

Isn't that modern day escrima? Martial art of choice for Jason Bourne?

That's also where beast and son of beast are correct? That place breeds record breaking coasters.

Wait...its not ok to get drunk every other day of the week? THE LIESSSSSS!

Alright...So why do people always mount go pros on the outside of the car right in the way of everything? Why not mount it on the inside where you at least keep bugs and crap from hitting it at speed? Yes I realize it was designed for it. Also impressed it survived and was still recording.

So you're saying they are indeed bright enough to not have to buy auxiliary off road lights?