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    I have a theory that TP isn’t Hylia’s incarnation as the other Zelda’s are. Actually this goes for the original Zelda also, as the real Zelda was in slumber.

    That was wrong of your parents, to teach you to lie like that. No good ever comes of a lie. The only time I would lie is if it’s a life or death situation. Even if it’s a close family member asking whether I like something they’ve worked hard on, I would rather keep my mouth shut or say “no comment,” than lie.

    Did they ever explain why she had that disease? Did he have congress with a mer-woman/maid or something?

    I once beat the entire Elite Four + Gary in Pokemon Yellow with only a level 80 Pikachu. No switching out, no healing (IIRC; I had a apprehension against using Revives because they were finite, and seem to remember my accomplishment being so memorable because of the lack of HP/PP boosters). I critical hit my way

    What is this depicting?

    What’s BCT?

    Thank you for sharing this story, and your fascinating insight.

    Missing the forest for the trees this entire blog is.

    <i>“I could go off on a bit of a rant about continued growth of limbs in amputees.”</i>

    Who says Wii Fit Trainer “died?”

    No, it takes away from his ruthlessness, by making his act meaningless. Not to mention, it contradicts how Fury intoned the scene to Maria in private, not including that she would be in on it and thus no need to comment to him in private; unless he was still acting even then to beguile her. But if that’s the case she

    Did he?

    I thought that Google retained all your searches on their side for 10 years.

    Working on trying to have my comments post on io9 and Kotaku without having to have them approved.

    Saul doesn’t know who Gus really is in BB. So it would have to center around Mike.

    Yes, it's really good.

    Thank you for that link. I learned something today that I should've known for a long time running now given how much Criminal Minds I watch.

    How can you be when you forfeited the most formidable challenge, in Potato Marshal?

    I would not be satisfied until I beat Potato Marshal. These would be just empty victories.

    He means xfer the data through the PC.