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    Awesome one-liner if there ever was one. Hope I get to use it someday.



    Nice way to put things into perspective.

    It sounds like you have a past you want to let go of, as I do, when you did wrong and are getting upset over relating to his/your deserved justice. Though vengeance of any sort may appear wrong, yes, it doesn't matter the other person's reason for doing so. This was on him and his actions after... It says more that

    Locked away.... how exactly?

    You lost me at Japan Town.

    "Bits mean nothing. I fail to see how addressing 64 bits of memory on a console with 4MB of RAM is something to brag about."

    N64 vs PS1?

    Me too. She just redeemed herself! (Maybe.)

    You joking? PS1 is the cheapest and weakest console to ever be released, in relation to its contemporary release. N64 on the other hand was the most powerful and compact piece of computational hardware in its time you could buy. Even Valve christening themselves as new paragons of gaming with their multi-million

    Very inspirational words. God bless her. I hope the love she feels in the next life is even greater in proportion for overcoming a trauma like this so strongly.


    What happens if someone only wagers as much as another person can afford to gamble and they both get the answer right. Do the ones with the larger bank win by default or does it just go to sudden death?

    About time science caught up to learning about the Scub Coral.

    That's what I'm saying. He's illustrating how fanatical atheists feel dogged by their religious roots or environ from their youth and militarize in their position (as opposed to a position of humility) for revenge at those societies whilst masquerading as hypocritical crusaders. Your initial post twisted it to suggest

    I don't buy stuff like iPhones or Apple products in general. No Chinese slave workers toiling at my expense. Also, your analogy falls apart in that to the 1%, slave labor is even more important for their sustainable lifestyles.

    That's what I thought, but then I realized people were just more succinct and to the point back then. Especially ones like Einstein who had a lot to say and no time for pointless inconvenience.

    Yes, atheism isn't the very first thing that gets brought up by atheists in every religious topic posted on a io9/any Gawker site regardless of context or support which way. Your comment doesn't have to do with anything.

    I don't think Einstein was so inept or weak-willed as to succumb to such follies of logic and predicate his convictions on human disappointments (which, must be said, is already exactly what he's saying of militant atheism). Rather the opposite! Someone of empirical character like he would look inversely to the