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    No need to get oppositional. You brought up the subject after all, which generally speaking, one doesn't often do for tangentially related topics they don't hold a whit of belief/association for. Though I am having an amusing time picturing how someone has a "personal experience" with atheism. The idea is almost as

    It's easy to dismiss anything as long as it conveniences you, but we live in a world that still doesn't even know how something as well-documented as Greek Fire was created. Unless you're a secular atheist who finds belief in anything metaphysical compromises his non-faith, it's not in the realm of fantasy to think a


    According to Cayce though, Atlantis was a vast continent of islets and a large central mass stretching the entire Atlantic that later broke off and formed three smaller continents before those themselves were destroyed in one night 10,000~ years ago as a result of moral devolution, exactly as Plato depicted.

    There's a good story here awaiting further exposition.

    I wonder whether in his shoes, the social pressure of his profession felt greater than his blood pressure. But maybe reaching a state of euphoria by equilibrium was the goal of his daily OD'ing to begin with.

    Shinji Mikami had no part in them.

    "I want RE to go back to being scary.." But then they say "I can't take the story seriously" So how can you NOT take the story and characters seriously but then you want to be scared by the game? Which would need resulting said story to create said scares?

    Heh, very clever.

    It couldn't have been the unremarkable library of the PSP or the fact Sony themselves sponsored piracy for the system on their official forums to stimulate sales? That couldn't have compromised faith in its success and trust from developers?

    My favorite console... I wish I could buy it. But I might become too attached to it. Being a one of a kind and all.

    Are your hipster analogy and drunk recommendation coming from personal experience? Because it doesn't sound like you never watched the movie at all. That, or you were on some controlled substance of your own if you think the slow-motion was anywhere near 1/4th speed. And neither the "action scene towards the end,"

    You are thinking like a Sith, and not a Jedi. Don't wish you could be someone else as it would follow of the topic, but endeavor towards selflessness. Atone within yourself and those whom your decisions affect, for the series of events that find you in tribulations. Then you'll see what your own karma is trying to

    Aren't the events of BttF2 and 3 set into pace precisely because Marty intervened to be the conduit for his parents, amongst other things?

    The Zelda series covers all these, even if in some VERY subtle and inconspicuous manners. That's one reason I love it so much. It's always has a unique brand on gameplay and nonlinearity (until 2004 when it got a new producer/head), and though it portrays it as not coming foremost, storytelling. Looking at it strictly

    An incredibly clever ontological play on semantics, but that's all I can say about that.

    Time is a finite dimension, as well as relative, so this won't ever work even putting aside the perpetual energy paradox. Whose to say that wherever (and indeed, when) this is placed, time won't expire there first? Alas, good thing we won't ever have to ponder such a thing because time is just an illusion, much like

    All of your responses boil down to circular reasoning fallacies, either directly or indirectly. Nice way of inviting yourself to frame your belief system for us all to see. Next time though, start with #7 so you can reflect on your own advice as you err.

    I think part of the problem was it was always advertised as "Dredd 3D" and not "Dredd," (I almost didn't know there WAS a 2D option) and that may have caused confusion amongst less savvy cashiers who may have confused it for Resident Evil Revelations when they heard "3D." Which is what happened to me. Now I feel

    "Acupressure has no benefit whatsoever. It has been tested, just like acupuncture, and has failed miserably."