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    38,000 is nowhere near enough to justify a PC port for something like Dark Souls this late past its initial release. That's like asking to release a game with the worse profit to pirate ratio of 2012.

    No leadership here.

    No, he at least got that much straight.

    Zelda says that it will be thousands of years before she wakes up, so there could theoretically be a Zelda game or something in between that long span of time and the present.

    Any yet in an old interview way back when, with Kotaku no less, Crecente and Joel Johnson questioned him about Zelda topics and he contradicted this (multiple times iirc) saying that Zelda is in fact composed of an undeniable series of recurring events along a chronological span.

    No.... No, it really doesn't.

    He accidentally put The Wind Waker and the Oracle series in the wrong timelines.

    "Hylian" is referring to something else in this game. Not Hyrule. (Conveniently, you are only able to obtain it after learning what this is.)

    I can't believe they actually cast an actor for Polly the parrot.

    [Deleted because I didn't think it was appropriate.]

    I'd like to see you try to explain how the Imprisoning War happens in a timeline where there is no Link to awaken the Sages in the first place, or storm his castle and bring down his Evil Barrier, and subdue him to the point of vulnerability with a sword only he can wield and that happens to be the only thing capable

    I still think that this is bullshit. These fanbooks are a dime-a-dozen in Japan. Every anime, movie, and video game even half successful gets one from what I can tell.

    It's hard to pick a best soundtrack for Skyward Sword, because the music is so specific to its environment. More so than any of the ones you listed. This Zelda was more about having music fitting to the story and your surroundings than about trying to make some iconic soundtrack. I know the last part sounds like a bad

    Whoops, after re-reading my comment, I meant to say "if it seems like you would need to go out of your way to talk to him."

    Take a good look at this character, and his hair to make sure you remember.

    Nah, don't even worry about it.

    Go back and play the game again. The dialogue from both from her and her followers, and yes, even one of the carpenters references her living out in her "headquarters" in the Spirit Temple (which was used as a hideout by Ganondorf, who she hates) and experimenting with brainwashing. Some even say more when Link tells

    I feel like Einstein digging up his old Theory of Relativity and finding out that it was in fact correct after abandoning it. The confirmation that the theory was possible being the second wind he needed to see the equation through to completion.

    Funny you should mention Stephen King because from his latest interview on time-travel he seems to share the exact same philosophy of it as Nintendo. Complete with the "guardians" and all.

    Whether it's a rehash or not is dependent on whether you've grown up enough to distinguish what a "rehash" actually is, so from your perspective that would be approximately around the time of... never.