Phillip Marquez

5 seconds of Google searching, found a verified safe apk. Playing right now.

Harder for you also doesn’t = hard. Just because you don’t know how to do something doesn’t mean it’s difficult to actually do.

Please note that some people in Japan finds your whitewashing statements hilarious and would likely be using Japanese actors to recreate any Western media.

Just a guess: maybe Chrome by default uses Google’s DNS servers, which themselves act as a man in the middle between the server’s hosted pages and the client’s http requests, and compresses it there before returning the data to you

Audiobooks are great for getting the equivalent of reading while you're doing other things:

I'm confused. I came here to read about the Nexus 9 but this article seems to be all about the iPad Air.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

It's not really a "google name" per-se. It's a term that means "eating your own dogfood," and it's been in use since the 70's/80's. Basically, the idea is that a company has to use it's own product if it expects customers too. For example, it would be a little embarrassing if Microsoft didn't use Outlook for their

Thanks for adding this!

Chromecast was a no-brainer because with the Netflix deal (which we were taking into consideration), it cost less than a lunch. We were very upfront about its limitations, which are going to be a lot less severe now that devs have access.