Adebisi's hat

I hate to admit it, but SHS is really really good at her job. She can tell the lies with a straight face, and convincingly act offended when the administration gets called out on pretty much anything. I’ve rarely seen her get ruffled. I have to hand it to her for nailing the skills necessary in that position, and in

Most of those going down are hollywood liberals. Only Moore is in hot water right now and the repugs are firmly supporting him.

Yeah, the Charlie Sheen accusation just faded away. I thought, because of his former proximity to Heidi Fleiss and that circle, it would have prompted a deluge of revelations about the dark side of Hollywood. But old Charlie would really need to be a cornered rat to blow that wad I suppose. I am guessing that they

If only Selena Gomez had turned down this role, that sexual abuse that happened 25 years before she was born would have never happened.

On the next episode of, “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong....”

he and the kid get out of there

I think you’re right.

This whole article is a dog whistle to all who think feminism = misandry. They’re already commenting in droves and the article isn’t even 15 minutes old. This is not helpful

domestic violence towards men is normally considered humorous

Isn’t is Dorsey who had the bad day? You know, being assaulted and all? Am I missing crucial info here or is this all a weird tone for a article on domestic violence?

She has a kid. Nothing distresses me more than people with anger problems with kids. Especially toddlers because 1. Toddlers can be frustrating 2. Toddlers understand and feel so much 3. Toddlers can’t always express and tell everything they experience

In front of the child? And it’s happened often enough that his instinct is to record it? Yeesh. I hope she gets some help and that he and the kid get out of there.

Dolt 45 is going to use this opportunity to make the Black community prostrate and kiss the pinky ring. Maybe this is a good time for for LiAngelo to fully claim his whiteness.

yeah I mean if he drugged someone then that is totally fucked. If all he did was cop a feel 40 years ago and he has proven to live a good life since then...then Idk if this is really a story.

I’d be more disturbed by this if Takai wasn’t in his 80s and if this didn’t happen nearly 40 years ago. Arguably, all gay sex was criminal and deviant in the 1980s. Society repressed and shamed gays, forcing them underground, which means their outlets for sexual activity weren’t always healthy. And it was, even more

I think the “it was so long ago” can justify why you may not remember meeting this person. Assuming there was no sexual assault (which one would hope would be memorable) - do you remember everything that occurred in your life 10, 20, 30 years ago? I don’t. I was recently introduced to someone from my grad school class

What’s fascinating to me is that folks seem to forget that it wasn’t easy for Marvel Studios to just craft a successful connected universe, especially amongst the doubt and curiosity amongst Hollywood studios at the time.

I’m sorry, but I loved the first Thor; I told friends consider it an amalgamation of Shakespeare plots with a sci-fi twist.

Ezekiel Mutua, the chief executive of the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB)–the moral regulator of broadcast content–is outraged, since naturally they couldn’t possibly have seen this sort of stuff on television. He told the Nairobi News: