Adebisi's hat

It’s one thing to give your own account or support someone else’s but to speak on their behalf when they haven’t said anything publicly is going too far. They didn’t even come forward when she was sued.

If you work for a tech company, you would know that basically anywhere is no filming/no photo. You don’t need a sign every 5 feet.

As an older millennial, this is an adorably naive understanding of how the world should work.

Come on. Loose lips pink slips!!!!!

If only I were a rich holywood producer. There are several ladies i’d like to “interview”

Was is stupid? Oh hell yes. But in full context, I’m not all riled up. He was saying in a fantasy world he murders and rapes, and in real life he prefers women to enjoy to act. He’s not very eloquent about it. At all. I can see how some people would be upset though- I won’t discount that. And I’m sure his wife put the

Um? he did apologize...six years ago when the joke was made and seemed to have learned from it.

That’s a giant stretch. Are we just condemning every man who has made an off-color joke?

Not to defend what he said, but in the subsequent 6 years he has apologized for the comment (and once again today) and educated himself on the subject as well as directed, write, and star in Road to Paloma about the subject of rape in Native American communities.

True, but it’s also because Twitter uses an idiotic system to decide who to suspend. Swear or make violent threats at a prominent account, and you’re probably going to get booted. Anything else, they’re only going to care if they get a lot of complaints.

I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.

Read the article. She doesn’t have a social media account for the sex trade life. Just alt email and phone number.

OT, but your username & the accompanying picture are giving me a great deal of joy this cold, dark morning.

We used to call these people Assholes

This could be the celeb reaping.

She was complicit until it started to cost her money. Just like most of them.

Fuck me!

You must be new here. “Settled out of court” is a thing hun.

It’s cool if people disagree with his choice. It’s his hair, and it’s your opinion. But I just wish this article wasn’t so one-sided.

It’s obvious you have no clue as to the history of dreadlocks because it’s a hair style that has been found across the globe in a wide variety of Eastern and Western cultures and it sure as shit wasn’t invented by Rastas. Hell, the fucking bible mentions the seven locks of Samson and the Norsemen and Celts were both