Adebisi's hat

yes, we understand your white penis is very lonely. message received.

I agree, and I’m also a domestic violence survivor, but there is a problem with your logic. This is not because inherently or biologically men are much more violent, but rather that society tells them the idea of toxic “masculinity” where the power must be asserted towards others. You saying that “men are so much more

It’s true! Before the surgery his Kinja name was just “Seth”!

Thank you.

No, he was famous well before Jenner. Rack City came out in 2011.

Please wash your hands on the way out.


When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

You know what that means...

Yeah. This isn’t interesting and probably suited for Facebook than a feminist website that focuses on politics, social and women’s issues, and the occasional pop culture story. There’s nothing to learn from this except having an unhealthy obsession for someone from middle school (!) occasionally pays off, maybe,

Damn you I laughed!

For real. I’d hate to be someone’s consolation prize.

For a minute I thought I was reading a pitch for My Best Friend’s Wedding, until I got to the part where you haven’t even graduated college yet, and then I realized I’d been reading something incredibly dumb.

Maybe the twist is that this actually happened in 1960 and they’ve been married for 50 years!

Seems out of character for Wakandans, a rather insular, highly advanced society, who produce some incredibly fierce warriors.

To be honest, and I am not accusing of this, but my first reaction, as a white person, was it was kinda casually racist.

“Who should we put in charge of our army?”
“Well obviously the white man.”

8 year-olds really seem to be fond of the Thor: Ragnarok trailer, so your reaction is understandable. Seriously, every time I saw the trailer in theaters, I’ve had a kid repeating Thor’s big Yesssssss!!!!! as if it was the coolest thing ever. Makes me smile every time.

He was a very kind man. I just got weepy remembering him.

“So, Ms. Nightvale, was that a right-hook or a left you gave him?” He kept on walking and I didn’t get in trouble.

I was obese growing up and bullied every day. It was only recently when I heard that a type of behavior was assault, and I in fact had been not only bullied but assaulted (spat on, held down and kicked etc.) One day, one of my worst tormentors was doing some awful thing to me and I just punched him in the nose. I ran