Adebisi's hat

its god’s mix tape.

All for a relationship that’ll be over by the end of the school year.

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

Well this is weird. Are you my husband?

+ drought

I always see it used to denigrate, like “you liberals in your big city bubbles.”

But hey, fuck, I’m gay. When I was a teenager, I moved to a big city to be around other queers. And going into the Trump Era, I feel even less inclined to move away from safety and culture.

Sorry if that makes me a “snowflake” when I have

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?

Trailblazer? Culture of divorce? So every step she takes in her life is special and significant to culture because she’s involved? When she gets old and incontinent is she going to be a trailblazer of pooping her pants?

Fuck you Gwyneth. So...when I have my son’s Dad over for every fucking Xmas, every fucking Thanksgiving and every fucking Fatner’s Day...even though we haven’t been together in 20 years and my son lives in fucking Japan...I’m some kind of goddamn trail blazer?

White people grow tomatoes

Steinem there to ensure that no other white women go boy crazy and switch to supporting Trump.

2bf; I always loved and rememberer her white dress as the iconic image in my mind, even as a pre-pubescent boy.

If you read the Expanded Universe books, specifically the trilogy about a young Han Solo working for Jabba, yes. It’s sorta made fun of by other Hutts. Twi’leks were a favorite, too.

Don’t try and kinkshame Jabba.

40 something woke me understands why the metal bikini is inappropriate but pubescent me who saw it in the theater will always remember it fondly.

If someone thinks the metal bikini defines Leia, then they do not understand her character at all.

Hey how about shut the hell up with spoilers

I’m shocked that the full obituary was not done by Sunday morning.

They are proably putting together a retrospective right now, this was proably thrown together in 5 minutes to get the news out there.