Adebisi's hat

Why does that matter?

“But we kept the trannies out of the ladies bathroom!”

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Molitor “repeatedly instigated hostile conversations” with Mixon and his companions outside the cafe’s front door, his attorneys wrote in an answer to the lawsuit.

As a 150lb dude, nobody would blink twice if this guy knocked me the hell out after I hit him first. Despite his response still being “disproportionate” and despite him being “much bigger and stronger”.

Why did she hit him? Who started it?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

Lol don’t worry, white people don’t care about your feelings either.

This is actually true

Damn and here I thought she was reaching out specifically to an Asian American to try and learn more about the situation and how to approach it. Silly me!


I REALLY REALLY hate Cho. She is an asian Amy Schumer, execept even MORE unfunny

seriously. she didn’t need to make a statement. she was just like, “here are the fucking emails. have fun.”


Or Cho is a lying hack and tried to get the spotlight put on her?

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

This times 10 thousand.

What backlash? What criticism? What concern? All I see is a few loudmouths trying to score some points and get some clicks online. Leave WestWorld to the story and not to be catered to anyone or any special group of people. If the story requires to focus on a particular characters sexuality then please go ahead, but

You can also see the roo make a few missed kicks at him too (maybe because it’s distracted by the surrounding dogs) but it certaintly looked like it was getting ready to take on the guy.