Adebisi's hat

I personally don’t care if she games provocatively or not. She isn’t hurting anyone. She has the right to do what she wants, just as much of a right as you have to ignore it. People shaming or calling her names are either taking this way too seriously, or need find a new hobby (or profession).

I don’t care for it but to each their own, I’m sure she wasn’t hurting anybody.

I booked our airbnb in NYC yesterday! It’s in Hells Kitchen and just two blocks from Times Square and I’ve never been to NYC and I’m so fucking excited!!! That’s all.

When my son’s U14 team was preparing for Canadian Nationals, they played the local university women’s team. They did fairly well, all things considered, but all the parents could do the entire game was laugh our fool heads off as the boys tried to figure out what to do with their hands whenever there was close

He’s being quoted as having written, ““Maybe there will be some female groupies in this bitch after all”... So this is rape in the way that a high school boyfriend and girlfriend who are 17 and 18 respectively can’t have consensual sex.

EDIT: Leaving original language below so that the rest of this exchange won’t be completely baffling to future readers, but it’s moot now as Timothy Woods kindly edited immediately. Thanks, Timothy.

I really hope that the department takes a good, long look at itself, because that video exposed some unbelievably shitty training:

Sad answer: Probably, yes.

This is so fucking unreal. Hillary has to prove beyond a doubt that she isn’t “broken,” while Obama faces two terms of people questioning his birthplace.

And fucking Trump won’t even release his tax forms, and he lies constantly.

I actually want this wingnut conspiracy to happen. It would be amazing.

my most recent ex didn’t even use top sheets.

We should be taking a lesson from that. How is it those NY police could manage to shoot that man in the leg and take him to custody alive, in an active shooter situation, while this Tulsa officer aimed for the vitals on a man who was “not complying” but posed no risk to the other officers or the public?

What the fuck? I am honeslty blown away by any person who doesn’t see this as a huge issue. He had his goddamn hands up! I live in an area with next to no diversity, but spent some time in the military where I was able to meet amazing people from all over the U.S. Two of the friends I made have sons who are toddlers,

Meanwhile, an alleged terrorist actually shoots 2 cops and gets taken alive.

I couldn’t imagine spending time around you.

The guy had someone else take his SAT for him to meet the (very low) NCAA bar.

True, but you don’t know your coworker is uncomfortable until they tell you. Then all you can do is apologize and say it won’t happen again. This is what her co worker did. It wasn’t good enough for her.

I think most of the replies are more “reporting rape jokes directly TO THE CEO” is petty, moreso than what you said.

I read it again. And, literally, it doesn’t say that. I don’t see the word petty anywhere in the post. And, I don’t see anything stating that joking about rape is ok.

No one has said rape jokes are petty.