Adebisi's hat

I tutor a 12 year old girl, and last week she needed help writing an essay on racism, and her point of view was that racism is over and that African American people need to stop insisting it's still happening. I'll be showing her this.

So, I haven't really found information that better outlines what sort of relevance medical records need to have to be accessible by the school for litigation purposes under FERPA but these records would have been accessed anyway, without the law and even if she went to off-campus counseling. One of the claims in her

Sickening. He has no soul.

What is everyone's obsession with more Ghostbusters anyway.

Funny, that's my impression of the all-female cast.

if its malicious its a booking

Seems fitting that Rose shares a space with the Virgin Mary. Both of them can be out of commission for 9 months without ever being touched.

Nothing left but to grab it by the hair, bend it over and -

'I'm Far From Finished!'

How does it feel? Did you cry when you chopped it off? Looks good.

I'm starting to dread going to my daughter's school. Fact: all those assholes from your school days grew up, had kids, and are now continuing their asshole ways in the elementary school parking lot.

It hasn't been this short in years.

1) God, MIA owns.

Hey. I just wanted to say I love all of you. Jezebel has the most awesome commenters. I completely wasted like all of today on here, but I barely even regret it because you all are so fucking chill.

In other words, she has empathy for people that are just like her.

Don't schedule meetings with anyone, parent or not, at 4:30 pm. Unless you are a monster.

I believe you're thinking of Demolition Man there.

This is a great weekly feature! Thank you. I really appreciate this service.

I don't know how to not sound sarcastic on the internet. I am being sincere (for the first time). Please continue this.

I don't think I have all the words to express my obsession with Daughter this week. That line in "Smother" really resonates this days when you feel you have done nothing right.

Also, I turned 30 this week, and the song Candles was everything: "Blow out all the candles, you're too old to be so shy".
