Adebisi's hat

You know, there's something liberating about not measuring one's own penis. It's not like I need to know; I'm not buying tailored penis warmers, it works just fine, and I really don't want to compare to anyone else. Unless secret penis gnomes measured me in my sleep, nobody knows my size, and it's just a relief to

As someone who has counseled a number adolescent boys about exactly this, I'm really happy this was done. Porn has done a lot of young men a significant disservice in this department.

Oh, and the researchers who published their work in the BJU International journal of urology

I've seen a lot of penises in my time.

Just when I was getting used to the fact that no one cared about my stupid boner.

Nah, it's more like this:

i never played minecraft before

Pay money for this? For a PowerPoint style game designed to "teach" people how rape is traumatic? Released on Steam? As a one-time-through, not-very-interactive experience designed to shock and angst you into being upset about something we already fully know about and are working to fix on a grand scale? Next thing

Literally nobody is okay with rape, stop baiting. 3/10 for getting me to reply.

You could just not watch, how about that?

Or you can turn the channel/decline to comment if you don't understand.

Maybe she knows that if she actually did manage to beat the supposedly superhuman trans woman, people might start wondering if SHE has an "unfair advantage" XD

It's two women agreeing to fight and getting paid for it. it is sport.

Duke's stance on allegations of sexual assault have always been pretty lax, bro.

This woman completely and utterly outclasses her opponents, and there is nobody on the horizon that has even the slightest chance of touching her. And yet she refuses to fight Fallon Fox because of the supposed unfair advantage she has as a trans woman.

Eh. I'd have more regard for her if she didn't make transphobic statements.

"Title IX laws require almost all university employees to report any sexual assault allegations they have knowledge of to a supervisor, campus police, or the Student Conduct office, even if no official complaint has been lodged."

what's to stop this woman from breaking all of our arms and enslaving all of us I'm a little concerned

It's like they don't even know what video game they're playing. Fanservice is a massive part of DoA, and that's fine. If you don't like fanservice, don't play DoA. There are other fighting games that don't focus on it as much and they're pretty good too.

*cough* Whitney Wonders *cough*