Adebisi's hat

Its still assault. If CR wanted to press charges, by pretty much every law in the land it would be an open and shut case.

I think the point is if you and your boyfriend work out in similar amounts, he'd be notably stronger than you.

Lol how is Female height preference mostly perpetuated by tall men, who always themselves generally a minority?

Toxic masculinity is like Origin Sin.

Could you find humanity in Thanos and his quest to snap out half of all life? Certainly there’s levels to all this. As long as the writing is good, we don’t always need to explore villain rehabilitation in each story

Not a bad thing either, in itself

I mean, the height preference is largely from women wanting taller men, not as much the inverse. Are there really significant “misogynistic” reactions against taller women? Probably more from other women than men

Seems women just need to learn how to play video games well and look like they're having fun while doing it.

Doesn't Musk have like 7 kids? He's moving on to the next supermodel/actress

Crazy, I’ve read/listened to a dozen similar scenarios on those reddit stories videos on Youtube, but this is real life for you. Take care of yourself

Imagine married couples with children complaining that they have to spend more time together, its bizarre to me.

Do you and your husband make a similar amount, or have similar stress level jobs?

I’m sorry but complaining that you’re “just not meant to spend this much time” with your spouse (that you chose) and your kids (that you chose to have) sounds ridiculous.

What’s missing from this discourse is that in a lot of these situations, the men bring in all or substantially more of the income. While it’s not a popular opinion on this site, in general women have most if not all the same career opportunities men have, but more often than not would rather “raise the kids” than

Civil war in the beekeeper community

Hmm I was feeling that, would have been cringe if he went on Breakfast Club saying he had hot sauce in his bag

“Emotional abuse” is so relative, non-specific, like what is the actual accusation? 

Yup and if Diana spent the last 70 years being a loner as acknowledged in the beginning of the article, how is her distance from her so-called new friend out of character? Seems consistent to me

A lot of readers seemed to miss that piece. Assuming he incorporated and sold a stake in his corp (similar to Kylie Jenner), the valuation would make him a billionaire tomorrow