Adebisi's hat

Ayer’s got a few bombs, but a solid resume. Suicide Squad, whatever you thought about it grossed $750MM. Now Max Landis I don’t know jack about

Same - I thought it was good. Not $90 million budget good, but still a good watch.

I bet there are more women writing for Jalopnik than there are women readers of Jalopnik

Nah, we can’t and we won’t

True, but I like to think O’Reilly, Ailes and bunch of other institutionally protected conservatives were the pre-cursors

Trump’s teflon, this “Reckoning” won’t harm him. Only other guy like that around is Charlie Sheen.

This article is gold

Lmao I’ve seen ur social media Anne and I can tell u she’s definitely blacker than you.

haha no idea what that means but liking the sound of it

That was an amazing music video gawd damn TS!

I should have indicated that the title/thumbnail of the scene usually includes the studios name. “Most Popular” category is dominated by a few studios (Brazzers, Vixen, Blacked etc), and their scenes are formulaic, so you can probably tell how the scene will progress just from looking at the title. These studios don’t

So what’s wrong with aggressive face fucking if both performers agreed to it? Thats not misogynistic. As a starting point we should probably agree what constitutes misogyny/racism in porn

Yup I’m with you on that. Just spent 20 seconds on pornhub (as the other poster recommended) to find the plethora of racist and misogynistic porn and nothing jumped out except “Banging my black step dad”.

Nah, if Neo Nazis become violent let them do it unprovoked, leaving Trumps admin with NO route but to specifically name them. When all sides are violent it allows Trump to generalize and not have to point out the supremacist faction within his voter base. Most people who voted for him are not white supremacists, those

Then Trumps initial statement condemning violence from “all sides” was apt. Seriously these Nazis are a minority if you just let them rally and allow themselves to demonstrate to the world how ridiculous they are, they’d wither away. Openly clashing with them in the streets gives them more credibility. This idea that

No but I’ve never said LOL to someone’s face either.

Mocking the elderly because they’re old - nice touch and way to espouse SJWness

Child Protective Services would tell you to stop wasting their time with this BS coz it’s well documented and as you can tell from these anecdotes, a very common occurrence.

I think we’ve always known that majority of female homicides are perpetrated by IP (I guess 55% is not an overwhelming majority but still a majority).