Adebisi's hat

I’ve been following this for a few years and it’s definitely not as simple as “they’ve cleared her to run”.

It certainly is unfair speculation that she’s XY with internal testes, but it’s strange that none of the athletics bodies who know for certain have neither confirmed or denied this. I understand the desire to protect her privacy but it suggests that there is truth to it.

I think these two cases are different. The underlying issue with Caster is that there’s speculation she’s intersex with internal testes, more male than female in the opinion of quite a few of her competitors. And since we segregate most sports by gender, she shouldn’t be allowed to compete with some form of inhibitor.

Also, feminism doesn’t have a monopoly on equality. Emily can totally advocate for gender equality in video games and not subscribe to a lot of the other ideological subsets of feminism.

Well a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun apparently. But with lightning you’re just fucked.

If that headline stands, then people need to get the fuck outta Japan!

I’m about to leave my crazy stressful job after just 8 months. What’s worse is that i moved my family across 3 times zones for this job. I’m a little younger than you and moving back to that original city. There are quite a few ways you can answer that question of why you are leaving after only 6 months, a few great

You’re Torontonian? Explains everything

I think you meant “youngest self made female billionaire” and not “first”

24/24 carats - this trolling is solid gold!

And a lot of times bruises show up instantly. Either he got lucky and they didn’t show before the cops did, or those bruises were not caused by him on that night

So what you are saying is that without the majority embracing a sub culture, it probably wont cross over into mainstream? Go figure

I mean that’s all good stuff but far from the necessities. Just wish it translated into shit I needed to survive, like employment and housing. And this is in Canada!

Lol and they probably built a source wall to keep POC out and made Earth 3 pay for it

Still looking for that silver lining myself

Maybe married men are generally more successful than unmarried men because they have more to lose or risk having a starving family if they don’t exert themselves? When a man makes money he generally spends it on his wife and kids, so the assertion that a married man benefits at the expense of his spouse doesn’t really

Prince didn’t just write the song it’s an actual Prince song that Sinead ‘O Connor redid. The original came out in 85/86 and Sinead’s better known version came out in ‘90.

lol and the masses forever ask - who the fuck is Nick Cave?

Most racist nation? lol I think you’re confusing xenophobia with racism

And I guess that means that the Japanese see Japanese people as the default human being?