Adebisi's hat

damn that’s cold as ice!

This is the only sentiment I can muster after reading this. Fuck him ^∞!!!

Really? They must have excluded that from these excerpts cause I didn’t see that anywhere. Although you know when you come all preachy like that to a teen they’ll tell you they have the right to make their own mistakes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

lol “floss” predates “on fleek” by at least two decades. As in “...B.I.G, be flossin’ jig on the cover of fortune, 5 double O...”.

I think what she’s saying re: Kylie is “Anyone here have sex with a mid 20s person when they were 17?”

Haha I was reading your 1st paragraph like wut?

Worst part is that Gamergate is going crazy with the story all like “Ya see, it really was about ethics in journalism!”

It’s not necessary that she’s cheesy, I just think her artist expression is most appreciated by the younger portion of the populace i.e. teenagers and YA. I honestly can’t get through an entire viewing of any one of her videos, it’s meant for kids. Unlike Adele or Gaga, who although the same age (or very near) make

Her new stuff is more commercially appealing. Note that her first #1 single was from her Red album, and she has like 3 off this new album, so it makes sense that she’s playing the fresher stuff that more people like.

Honestly, DOFP was the best X-men movie, I think it has the highest aggregate rating too. Then First class, then the rest can duke it out as long as Pt 3 comes in last

Agreed! Commuting on public transit is stressful enough already, please don’t add to the woes. And for every Tyrese or Brandy singing on the subway, they’ll be like 400 “aspiring” artists doing the same. No.

You can stop paying attention to them, but good luck convincing everyone else.

Everything I said’s all connected. Millions of rap fans endorsed the “Best Rapper Alive” during that time period, I guess hip hop runs off the backs of jack asses. Would love to stay and continue this internet argument, but there’s no point really.

Going platinum first week means less to the pop sub-culture (if there is such a thing) than it means to the hip hop sub culture. Braggadocio is important in rap it’s just the way it is, and units shipped is an objective way to back up the fact that you’re hot.

If Lebron played 30 years ago, I’m sure he’d have at least 6 rings by now. Shortest active player right now is Nate Robinson who even though is a beast at 5’9, is already a free agent at 31.

Lol you do watch soccer right? There’s no special teams you better be able to do more than just have absolute header advantage if you’re playing professionally.

One can absolutely argue that Messi would never make it to the NBA, sitting at 5’6/5’7.

Nah, best US male player of all time right now is Landon Donovan, he’s just 5’8. What gives Lebron his advantage in basketball does shit for him in soccer. In fact his height might be a detriment against 5’6 Messi.

Can one objectively argue that Lebron would ever be good at soccer even if it was the most popular sport here? I mean you could argue he’d be a beast in the NFL definitely, but that naturally big athletic frame that gets you far in basketball/football doesn’t necessarily give you the advantage in soccer.

I’m having trouble objectively dissecting your comment that “none” of the best athletes in the US play soccer, like how can you actually substantiate that? I know in North America, size is important for guys in sport, yet some of soccer’s best players ever have been like 5’6/5’7 who would have never stood a chance in