Adebisi's hat

The African diaspora is indeed diverse, but that’s not important to non-Africans who pretty much treat us the same. You’ve got to go back more than 400 years to understand slavery and exploitation, that it’s not exclusively a thing white people did to black people, even though the fallout from the Atlantic Slave trade

That’s exactly what I propose, you need a ton of endurance and I’ve been through a roller coaster of self doubt at times, that whole “feeling like a loser” crap. But what are you going to do, it’s hard to for sure say, you didn’t get that interview or you didn’t get that job because you’re black in a specific

No, I don’t understand the new context you created by inserting words I never said into my original comment, altering my initial tone. Maybe you should use quotations next time.

Thing is if you really go into history, you’ll see that this is shit people have done to each other since pre-history. We tend to only consider the history of the last 400 years and come to incomplete conclusions that white people are just plain terrible.

An uplifting mentality to help black people deal/navigate through racist power structures. As faulty as Kanye’s perspectives on new black are, still way more inspiring than calling a successful black person an uncle tom

I don’t really understand your first paragraph, but I’ll agree that history is crucial.

I can agree with that, but the underlying tone of what they’re saying is meant to be inspirational, positive. I can’t knock them for that, but this thing we do of framing the racial landscape and experiences through the celebrity lens just makes us resents celebs for doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

Nah - equating “New Black” mentality to Uncle tom “lite” and self hating is just being dismissive. At least propose an uplifting alternative if you’re going to do that otherwise - nah.

Yeah - point taken. But Greenwood was 100 years ago, pre civil rights legislation, heck pre-atom bomb. From anecdotes, you can hack a lot of ignorant racist crap just by showing you have some $$$.

As flawed as it is, this so called “New Black” mindset is far better than the alternative - sitting around and blaming the system and history coz you got the short end of the stick. It’s easy to criticize the shortcomings of the concept, but I don’t really see new uplifting ideas put forth. This “white people stop

Oh, now I see that. Not surprised, Toronto sports fans have the biggest inferiority complex in North America.


So when white supremacists claim, technically correctly by the way, that black males account for the vast... Vast majority of crime in America, you think that’s an acceptable thing to say?

Isn’t this TFC?

Pretty good track I can already hear it all over the summer airwaves.

Yeah but what does cultural appropriation have to do with most of the running definitions of feminism?

Lol so is Deadspin. They conscientiously decided not to cover Mayweather’s last couple of fights, now that’s all but out the window with the mega fight approaching.

Lol I’m the opposite - I’m with Renner for not conceding that his crappy sense of humor is somehow responsible and/or contributing to greater societal ills. Chris Evans is younger, has more to lose, so I imagine after he got his publicist approved apology out he called Renner and said fuck that shit. He’ll write a

You’ve been chill and I respect that you took time to spell it out. I still think the word is being used out of context here, but I agree its a discussion that should be had, just not with these two as scape goats of sorts.. The joke would have been way funnier if they called Iron Man or even the Hulk a slut. Black

lol well of course that’s not how it works if you’re already hyper sensitive to such things. Hope you can get comfortable with a lot of dissenting opinions, because you’ll be getting them even from those you thought were “like minded”.