Adebisi's hat

Yeah but what does cultural appropriation have to do with most of the running definitions of feminism?

Maybe Loki (a bad guy) and Tony Stark (a notoriously self indulgent womanizer) just harbor misogynistic attitudes you know, as part of what makes them who they are in the context of a larger story? Seriously, Whedon put himself out there and went to bat for feminism, seems to be he got eaten by his own in the end.

They did a lot more than suggest that Josh’s shit stinks.

Lol so is Deadspin. They conscientiously decided not to cover Mayweather’s last couple of fights, now that’s all but out the window with the mega fight approaching.

Lol I’m the opposite - I’m with Renner for not conceding that his crappy sense of humor is somehow responsible and/or contributing to greater societal ills. Chris Evans is younger, has more to lose, so I imagine after he got his publicist approved apology out he called Renner and said fuck that shit. He’ll write a

You’ve been chill and I respect that you took time to spell it out. I still think the word is being used out of context here, but I agree its a discussion that should be had, just not with these two as scape goats of sorts.. The joke would have been way funnier if they called Iron Man or even the Hulk a slut. Black

lol well of course that’s not how it works if you’re already hyper sensitive to such things. Hope you can get comfortable with a lot of dissenting opinions, because you’ll be getting them even from those you thought were “like minded”.

When it’s a joke

That makes a lot of sense. So basically because they’re using a different standard than the courts, they can expect an escalation to those courts regardless of how they rule on a case. I’m sure that’s a hefty premium they’re paying on that liability insurance.

I understand and am v familiar with this argument, but my point is simply - this is not what misogyny means, this is not what misogyny is. Perhaps a new phrase needs to be coined to succinctly describe this societal dynamic, maybe it already exists. They were asked a ridiculous question about fanfic, they responded

Haha I’m totally stealing that. Don’t know exactly where I’ll use it IRL conversations, but I’m sure something will come up

No I’ve seen her actually reply to individual posts with admissions that she fucked up. To believe that she’d go through all that and not learn a thing is myopic. This is a totally different case and she’s reporting/commenting on it appropriately.

Jesus let it go. Believe it or not she’ll actually become better professionally after getting through that mistake.

It was a dumb attempt at being funny, but I’ll never get how this is being labelled misogyny.

Who didn’t see this coming? Guess Columbia will just pass that expense on to future students by way of higher tuition fees

Thank you for giving casual dating advice meant for women to a predominantly male audience. More useless than trying to potty train a pigeon

Yeah even my parents would sit still and watch whenever I played against him!

Great point!

It’s due to the hard work for sure, but the genes probably have something to do with that 5 second lead at the end of 26 miles.

From my experience it’s not the students who call the news and are like “Look what I did!” It’s usually one of the school administrators that are super proud of their student and think it would be newsworthy that actually publicize it. I’m sure they ask the student every step of the way, but your perspective is quite