Adebisi's hat

I respect and appreciate that you came out and talked about this issue is a fairly balanced manner. I found you did the same thing when you were talking about Anita Sarkeesian’s 8 recommendations on making games better. I think if GG figureheads like MundaneMatt and SargonofAkkad etc read these articles on here,

Yeah and you can denote time via distance. Jebus!

Yeah I know it’s frequent. I don’t really care with 7 billion of us already fucking up with Earth, we don’t need that many more of us...

IT’s what I seem to be discovering...

I thought I explicitly mentioned that we as a society had a vested interest in improving accessibility for everyone to safe abortion procedures. Not sure what this comment’s about

Some fine elementary school level false equivalencies. Because getting rid of a fetus growing inside you is like getting rid of jizzed socks right? We definitely need doctors and affordable medicare to get rid of those jizzed socks

I didn’t properly acknowledge your wisdom tooth surgery in my initial comment - but that shit sounds like it was utterly horrible. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy

I thought about it, but I think denial is the best therapy for people like me. I may feel however I feel about it, the important thing is not to project that to others and contributing to making it less accessible for others.

Objectively, I 100% agree with your approach, I think it’ll just take me a while to emotionally accept that that’s the way it is.

I agree. We need more people to talk about it then maybe it’d freak us out less


We do need to talk about it, improve access to it for everyone and destigmatize it - I absolutely agree. Potential trauma aside.

Yeah but the medical profession didn’t ask you if you wanted to know the tooth’s gender before they took it out.

She has a kid now and she doesn’t talk about the abortion at all. I guess she won’t tell the child about it unless she chooses to and the child is old enough to understand? Anyways I think it’s constructive to talk about these “uncomfortable” situations.

Ok from my perspective I’m just thinking, if I was a child growing up knowing that I “dodged” an abortion because I was born a few years later than my predecessor, that shit would fuck me up. But you’re right I have no reason to believe that would be the general reaction.

That’s true, it’s classic projection I guess. I’m male and my partner (at the time) & I had one 8 years ago, and it’s still so uncomfortable for me to think about.

Very true, that shouldn’t overshadow that we need to make it more accessible and I guess that’s what keeps on derailing the reproductive rights conversation.

Fair enough.

Not sure why but it’s weird seeing “normalize” and “abortion” right next to each. I’m all for abortion rights and I think the govt should subsidize the procedure as we all have a vested interest in not bringing unwanted beings into the world. But it’s still pretty traumatic