Adebisi's hat

Well just like IV, it can't please everyone. Still killed it in both financially and critically tho...

Nah that's just modern R&B, it definitely ain't what it used to be, but there's far worse mainstream R&B than this

Do you mean the content or the delivery (of the chorus)? Listening to the song I'd say the chorus is one of the better parts, I can't exactly make out what she's saying but it sounds pretty good.

Skip all this new crap, just go back to those old school Lil Wayne mixtapes and the like. Hip Hop has lost something in the last 5 years, and it ain't ever comin back.

Ok, that makes sense. I knew you and Clover were fairly new, but I had assumed The Muse had been around for a while. I like the idea and will check it more often

And that's cool, I respect that you (along with Clover and Hillary) are hip hop journalists and cover the hottest artists. Em, Drake, Kanye & Jay Z have had huge cross over success, so I'd expect to see their album reviews cross posted to Jezebel. But I ain't seen album reviews for Medium Sean caliber of artists like

lol this shit hilarious!

Lol kinda implies "Suck it or not" is some type of misogynist anthem but I get her point.

Medium Sean is a special kind of mediocrity, only reason he's mentioned here is because of who he dates. And that's fine, Jezebel is probably not his target audience.

Probably not, Big Sean's album has been covered here because he has some cross over appeal due to who he has dated, which is what Jez's is really interested in.

Sure, because legislation should operate based on your feelings

I mean true, the way males are portrayed probably stems from male power fantasies and women, primarily from sexual fantasies. And like Anita said the answer is not more sexual objectification, so while flipping the script would be fair, it's not necessarily what's better.

problem with comparing how men and women sexualize each other is that men tend to have a more narrow sexual archetype for a female than vice versa. Compare the sexiest men's and women's lists. The top 10 sexiest men across 10 different magazine platforms have noticeably more variation than sexiest women. So

the funny thing about this nature vs nurture argument you're forming is that it actually doesn't have an impact on your reality. We are socialized how we are socialized and we're probably going to behave that way till we die. Now maybe the next generation will have more options as to how they express themselves, but

so what's the female sex fantasy?

tried reading the linked article to answer one simple question -how do women sexualize men? Because that cartoon drawing is definitely NOT how women sexuality dudes, and is a crappy example in equivalency.

You're assuming being representative and inclusive make a game better. That's a giant assumption, and there is actually research that shows that those things are secondary factors to why people enjoy video games. It's actually the most important point that Stephen brings out in this article.

That one point deflates that how sexualization false equivalency, don't need to touch the other shyt

One day, a lady can design her own video game and sexualize men as she sees fit. It's not the male developers fault that he doesn't understand how women sexualize men

Still can't compare penises to breasts though