Adebisi's hat

Every time I'm about to hate on Drake, I always remember that article calling him the Taylor Swift of rap. For some reason, many people find him entertaining and relatable, and that's what superstars essentially are. I'll give the mixtape/album an unbiased listen

Yea this post has spun outta control, I guess the jest I made my original comment in didn't resonate. But notice how many comments this article attracted in such a short time, people feel a certain way about their milk. Who knew?

Haha this is like saying "gender discrimination is illegal so therefore it doesn't happen". People are stealth with this shit, no one's going to tell you upfront that they doubt you are management material because of your choco milk consumption. BTW my office building does house a daycare as well as serve a cop house,

You can't pretend that this is a latte

Lol nah he's totally unaware it's a bad look. He's still a good bud tho

They might be assholes but they have a significant influence on my career progression, my income and therefore my livelihood.


Just telling you how it is in certain corporate environments. Just like there are certain foods that you avoid on a first date it's similar to our cafeteria where you can bump into the CEO, senior management at any time. There's tons of variety as to what you can eat, and most of those options are harmless but certain

This is true, I've used protein shakes with milk in the past, can't deny this.

In some industries, appearances are important when it comes to promotions, I work in one of them. Sorry, but chocolate milk in our caf where you're always being watched is the equivalent of breaking out a bowl of Rice Crispies cereal on your first date. Just a no no

Honestly, I couldn't care less. But if I'm sitting with him in the cafeteria and he breaks out the chocolate milk in plain view of execs and shit? No

Chocolate's fine for all ages. Chocolate milk? Just carries adolescent vibes when being consumed by an adult in their 30s.

Haha that's a good one but at 31 one it probably wouldn't work. I'll just drop a hint that he'll never get promoted to Manager if all the Directors see him chugging his precious chocolate milk at lunch.

Whoa now, let's leave hot chocolate with whip out of this. Fine you can have all the sprinkles

Very tempted to forward this to my 31 year old colleague who still buys chocolate milk in the cafeteria at lunch. Yes. Chocolate. Milk. At 31 Like if you're going to do it at least do it in secrecy not where people you work with can see!

Its ironic though - SVU writers portrayed gamergate pretty much how anti-gamergaters perceive them, with the unintended effect of re-victimizing Wu/Quinn on TV (as opposed to Twitter).

Trevor's the most entertaining character hands down

That's terrible, I'm so sorry for your loss

I partly agree with ur analysis except I think the guy is guilty of some sort of sexual misconduct. No one gets 4 separate accusations of varying degrees of sexual impropriety by coincidence. but at the same time, CU can't do shit about him based on the established circumstances beyond the he said she said

I think he raped them too but based on information available I can see why CU didn't expel him even with the lessor "preponderence of guilt" standard