Probably moreso than a Platinum Games game. When I think Platinum, I think ‘good action game.’ Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, Vanquish. When I think Nier, I think the storytelling of Yoko Taro with the action gameplay Platinum is known for.
Probably moreso than a Platinum Games game. When I think Platinum, I think ‘good action game.’ Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, Vanquish. When I think Nier, I think the storytelling of Yoko Taro with the action gameplay Platinum is known for.
It has to be. He has his revving-mechanic sword and single double-barreled handgun and seems very brash more akin to Dante and not cool and collected like Virgil.
Come to Texas and spout <60 degree weather, you’ll get a cheer out of me! (Then I’ll complain you dragged me down by lying about the 90 degree weather)
I’d say most players saw it coming. After the first raid featureing FFV, FFVI was a natural progression. Most of the people I’ve talked to fully expect an FFVII-themed final raid before the expansion is done.
It won’t let me edit! Anyway, nvm it seems like she still has her “old” costume. That Angel suit most likely is a costume of her design.
Oh my... I hope that’s Kula Diamond’s default outfit for any future KoF from now on. It’s like she got some tips from Angel.
All these responses about FFXIV raiding being a 2nd job in comparison to WoW raiding is baffling to me. I played and did endgame in FFXI and while I wasn’t hardcore (not camping HNMs and other top things), it did feel like a second job managing dkp and showing up on time just to get enough points to edge out other dps…
It’s a bit sad because as right before you unlock the ability to play songs, you’re given a warning to not play any third-party music. I was immediately disinterested and haven’t touched it.
I think it’s based on her Heroes of the Storm Deathwing outfit. (and they mention it is in the text at the top) The guns look similar, anyway.
Ugh, thot making us Dallasinians look bad (moreso than we already do...).
I saw your first article and was immediately intrigued by a “scary” game so I had to try it out. I ended up playing it 5 times through and loved it. I was expecting some cheap jump scares or mindfucks for thrills. I came out with a mix of horror yet bigger sense of empathy.
I was thinking exactly this. I almost envy newer people who at least have something to do. People who have completed things are dealing with the constant wall of nothing to do.
Looks like they showed off 2 player co-op at the end maybe! I’ll keep an eye on this one!
Darn... I figured a CDL would be required...
I meannnnnnn..... until they start using their nipples to judo throw opponents into the water....
I kind of had that fight on low volume while I was playing something else so I didn’t know what was going on, but I did find it weird that they went back to character select to change clothes. The first thing going through my mind was, “....they didn’t like that Cammy CA did they.... they’re gonna make her change…
Because Evo is literally going on (and ending as I write this). Several fighting game tournaments have happened this weekend, along with surprise game announcements for said fighting games.
Wait, which one’s Colossus? The green one? I thought that was homage to Dr. Doom? dooooooooooooom
FFXIV works amazing on controller, plenty of players play on it (I myself play on a controller plugged into my PC). That said, you can still plug in a usb keyboard and mouse to your ps4 and play it that way.
I used to main WHM, then I switched to tank, but always kept WHM my main healer. What I’ve learned is healing’s difficulty is directly influenced by the level of everyone else. Sure the constant Aoe spam from Susano requires timed precast medica, but people paying attention (not dropping lightning on the party side)…