
Primal fights have always been my favorite aspect of the game from the unique mechanics to Soken’s excellent music for each primal. Lately they’ve started with more “cinematic” ultimates (a primal’s signature move) and they continue to get better and better. I hope they continue to get better and better.

Yes. This game requires a subscription and yes, you can purchase an all-in-one edition.

Fact. Bears eat beets.

As an extremely casual player, I don’t get this joke. In arcade and quick play or against AI, everyone’s all over the payload. Does this diminish with higher level play?

Filthy (though intrigued) American here: Does it clean everything? I really don’t like skid-marks so I’m wondering if you have to even wipe what’s left.

yeah even in this zoomed out one I saw him pull out what appears to be a firearm and point it at the police.

Bring back the Celica!!!

Ahh I missed out on the Wii. I went for a Switch because I miss those Nintendo 1st party games. Zelda keeps me busy but I’m really excited for Mario Odyssey.

I’m really excited for Mario and I can’t wait! I got Zelda (Which I couldn’t put down and ended up beating but still play on a daily basis because KOROKS!), Bomberman, Isaac, and Voez. I preordered Super Mario Kart and I can’t wait for Splatoon 2 either. Maybe I’m restless, lol.

I would, just for the sake of letting everyone try a great game! But I wont, because my quest to find Koroks continues!!

That’s excellent! Now gimme some more games to play on it!

I...totally did this... well not to level 99, but maybe close to 50. At the time I had one of those Brady guides or something and the picture showed Cloud using high level Limit Breaks in the first reactor (Climhazard or Meteo Rain or something). And I was like, “huh! I want strong limit breaks at the start of the

I was wondering why the ‘gameplay recording turned off’ message popped up on the title screen and never went away.

It takes a lot to back the blue~♪


If Zhi is the worst, I have to wonder who you consider good. Tasty Steve and RIP weren’t very exciting last night (and Tasty allegedly had to take a time out for his comment) and Zhi was nailing the fights all the while making it entertaining. Sure Yipes gets you hyped up as does Mike Ross, but the original topic was

I mostly agree, but Zhi is killing it right now (Group B Prelims).

This is what I was wondering. I had bought the armor early and and gradually over time I realized how OP it was in sneaking onto just about anything (enemies, bugs that fly away, etc.) so I wondered if I could probably BS my way through this quest with the gear.

That’s what this seems like. I remember BroTeam did something similar (although in a more silly manner) using a program that could more or less replicate his facial movements (and judging by the video above, is probably in the same vein).