
It didn’t bug me at first but now it’s really catching up to me. I just finished a place where I had to kill three of those huge goblin things and after downing the first one, I pretty much had to kite the other two and bomb trail them to death for several minutes. Now I have to hunt down that leaf guy so I can carry

I’m having a lot of fun with it! Let me just say that I’m not the biggest Zelda fan and the only game I played more than an hour (and beat) was Link’s Awakening on the Game Boy, yet I spent 5 hours playing Breath of the Wild as soon as I got home after picking up my Switch at midnight—and now I’m deadbeat tired at

Sounds exciting! I like playing tank, but Reinhart wasn’t really my cup of tea. I like the other tanks as well, but just as he mentioned in the video, I think the cast could benefit from another ‘anchored down’ tank. Looking forward to it.

I say not far enough! EAT MORE GAMES!

Yes, I mentioned this in my first reply to OP, but I seem to be darting farther and farther away. It seems everything was fine and dandy til she found out why it was reoccurring so I think while it’s possible to repair, it won’t be easy.

The child is, according to the story, 7 years old. If they can manage another 10~ years, I guess at that point I wouldn’t care which way they go. But at this stage, I feel like there is a chance at saving it. Other than the problem that she was made aware of until recently, she stated most of the marriage was fine.

+1. It sounds like some people didn’t read the rest of the story. They also have a child together, and just “leaving” it will have some collateral damage. I agree with the Dr. It’s messed up, and I can also relate to the guy, but they’ve stuck with it. It seems like she didn’t clearly know of the annual hatred until

Haha I remember something like this in Lolipop Chainsaw, though this one seems cooler as 2b actually readjusts the camera.

Yeah, reminds me of FFXIV 2.0's concept screenshot. Looked nice, but very busy and ended up being very watered down when it came out. Guess time will tell.

It’ll be a clicker game. But you splash.

Ok, so what are ‘must-play’ titles and in what order? I’m going to be getting a Switch with the newest one and I’m playing catch up. The only ones I’ve played are Link’s Awakening all the way through thrice over, Link to the Past barely (but I’m picking it up occasionally), and I vaguely remember playing 1 and 2 long

I’ll vouch for that guy! Maid Dragon is actually really good!

Indeed. Rerolling is a thing in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius too, and will be getting bigger with the release of Cloud in a few days.

Exactly this. I was gonna say the sentai look isn’t a big deal and I’ve seen other companies ‘pay homage’ to the design, but because it’s Saban, it could get more complicated than it really is.

A agree with the dread part. A lot of it for me was freaking out just moving forward (such as the gooey basement area), but once I came face to face with the enemy, my fear toned down and I was able to handle them as they came. Even when I died to them I felt a bit of relief, the dread was (temporarily) gone, and I

What?? No Maid Dragon? It’s a fun little watch!

This is .... a joke, right? Because it’s always posted under every article she writes. Scroll up maybe....one or two clicks. It’s right there.

Maid Dragon caught me off guard in a good way. I had been casually reading the manga and had no idea they were making an anime. I was quit impressed with the quality in the first episode so I’ll definitely look forward to it every week.

Very interesting. I’m in a reverse standpoint : The only Nintendo console I had was an NES and fat Gameboy. Once it came time for a PS1 or N64, my mom (I was a kid) said I could only have one. The Playstation was just coming out with MGS and so I opted for that. Ever since, I haven’t really touched a Nintendo console

Is Hatsune Miku going to magically appear on the store on the 10th? I don’t see anywhere to pre-purchase it.