
Hmmm I wonder how I got a hand on my comic then... I have fond memories of reading it as a kid (computer games were mostly prohibited in my house in my early youth), so I found the comic funny and disturbing to my babby eyes. When that sequence happened in the game, I understood the reference almost immediately.

100 Lapis is about 1 US dollar. The lowest amount you can purchase is 120 Lapis, at 120 Japanese Yen. Bonuses for buying more (480 = 20 bonus / 3,000 = 1,000 bonus / 8,800 = 3,700 bonus). 100 Lapis can buy you extra item, weapon, character, crafting slots (don’t worry, the game is easily playable with the default

The only characters I know that you can unlock just by progressing are the FFBE story characters, which are 5 in the JP version at the moment. Other than that, you can roll for other non-story FFBE characters (they usually have unqiue jobs like rangers, red mages, spellswords, etc.) with friend points, obtained by

It has its own story (as opposed to RK where you’re just ‘re-living’ certain FF moments). It’s kinda turn-based (player/enemy turn) instead of ATB like FFRK is. RK frustrated me in many ways because of it...

Hmmm....I can’t comment on the story (yet), but I used to play alot of FFRK, and I eventually got tired of the really bad difficulty scaling and ‘gatcha’ system in Record Keeper. Mind you, I don’t care much for mobile games but BE has kept me occupied when I’m waiting for my raid group in FFXIV to assemble or things

Yes!!! I’ve been playing the JP version for a while, but I’d love to be able to understand the actual story. I’ll probably have to start from scratch though.... goodbye, 6-star OP Lightning :(

I’ve always wanted to get into streaming or making YT gaming videos but this is one of the things that I’m nervous about if I somehow gain some popularity. I’ve watched other streamers and YT gaming personalities and just looking through chat or the comments and I’ll see messages like this, where they find something

The manual turret destruct also works with the healing-aoe-thing-I-forget-what-its-called, and it’ll blow up. It doesn’t hurt you if you’re near it, but I haven’t tested it if an enemy gets close to it when you do.

YES! Take THAT, Bitterman!


Super stoked about this. I really hope they remix the carnival-like music that plays on the first phase of this boss. They did so well with the FF2 boss theme and FF5 Gilgamesh’s theme. If I remember correctly, the normal FF4 boss theme plays if they combine. That’d be too much to ask, but I’ll still cross my fingers.

...That’s what the Dark Zone was...? I thought it was some raid place because I saw no opposing players and the players I did see, we teamed up and fought (very few) enemy NPCs 3 levels higher than us. Then I crashed lol

Hahaha, I love this. I kinda want more opinions and more characters.

Yes! Was gonna mention Aces of the Pacific. Back when Windows 95 was filled with my dad’s numerous flight sims, Aces of the Pacific was easily accessible and really fun for my babby self.

....well fuck you, too!

Racing All Afternoon at Freddy’s.

It’s 2016 and as dedicated Final Fantasy XIV player, I can’t really recommend it right now. Spectacular at launch and mostly throughout 2.0, it was fun; a hint of challenging activities and always something to do. Hardcore players had the problem of zerging through content and hitting a wall of things to do and

I haven’t played this version yet and I plan to get it on Steam. What is new in this one?

Despite its limited utility, Shin/Metsu Shoryuken is still my favorite super move of all time.

Isn’t this the right side of the screen? #nitpick