
I’ve been wanting to get into MOBAs and I think this is a character I’d want to learn.... but is it beginner-friendly? I don’t know the game well, but I figure support/healing has alot of weight on the shoulders.

Come on....Final Fantasy Tactics has gotta be on this list.... FFT... FFT... where is it....? Ah there it is. The list is good now.

Ah... that’s a shame...I ended up beating it while waiting for it. I didn’t run into many big issues (my GTX 980 seemed to handle alot of things well) except for slowdown when getting into the batmobile, but I would love to play it again with everything optimized. I’ll finish my New Game+ once it gets fixed, hopefully.

Grrr. I’ll get it, but this isn’t an excuse to not have Rebecca in the next installment. She better be in 7!

I haven’t downloaded it yet because I’ve been playing the browser one. Is there any extra incentive to get the Steam one?

Kinda reminds me of Lost Planet 2 with the Sentai pose, which were alot of fun when coordinated correctly.

I'm gonna hop on early so I can get a head start on the 2.x final patch to Zodiac weapons. Gonna go at it hardcore so I can help my FC tackle Final Coil of Bahamut a bit easier.


Argh. I hated Dead Space 2 the most [the "Awakened" expansion offended me the most, destroying what I thought about the cast of Extraction]. I think DS1 was the best, and although 3 made the most [Resident Evil 5] changes, it was still fun and the co-op missions are something they could've built upon if the series

I hope Microsoft dosen't waste Mojang's talent, or ruin what makes them special. It can happen, but it's pretty Rare.

2105 is a lonnnnng time...

Hoping for Rebecca

I've always wanted one, but I held out with all the recent delays. Just now, I finished preordering my White Destiny system and I plan to get The Last of Us Remastered, Ground Zeroes, and a few more to hold me out til 2015's hopeful lineup.

Almost time to get my WiiU!

I-I-I-I-It's......... GANON!

Very nice. Titan hamburger? I'd definitely love to visit it ....if I ever go to Japan.

I dunno... I felt the opposite way. It was pretty boring just poking and waiting for green hand and lariat opportunities. I was hoping Ricky or Snake would get USA some Evo champ glory, but it got to the point where I was hoping he (Snake Eyez) would be eliminated because it was so slow....

I love these type of articles. Very informative and these are the questions my ignorant self would ask. Thanks for posting!