
I've been out of the TF2 loop for a while, who is Pauline O.o

Um... cool?

Same. Biggest thing that got me exited at Xbox's presentation was Dance Central Spotlight

Very cool when I heard that part. Now I can uhhh... have a lesbian miqo'te marriage with my girlfriend >.>

Sony : "All according to plan..."

I may not be the biggest Nintendo person, but those guys are great.

I decided to check (for research!). Most of them have her as full female, or at least it seems so. My own guess is that she's post-op. I think something in the game said he went by Eric as a kid, and she gets mad when the guys seemingly forget to indentify her as a woman.

Argghh... brought back the Catherine x Erica thoughts I had while playing that game...

Sooo excited for future FFXIV info!

"Standby for Goatfall" - Nice. ....but now I'll be looking to the sky.

Hmmm. I'm looking for a good bluetooth wireless speaker, but I'm not a big audio person. Thoughts and recommendations on the different brands?

Whoa, wait. Dragon's Crown is going free on Vita? Excellent! I had it on PS3 but would love to play it on the go.

....it bugs me that Guy doesn't have sneakers on.

I thought it was Markiplier for a second, lol

Whoa. Took a few secs to load for me, but that looks nice.

Hmmm this is nice, I guess. Had to get an XB1, so I'd like to get caught up before 5. I remember trying 1 and 3 (and hating them) when I was younger and a bit more of a fanboy ignoramus. Now I'm a bit more open-minded and would like to play them.

Totally play on the controller all the time (I use the wired Xbox 360 controller), though I train myself to use keyboard/mouse sometimes (just in case). At first I thought I'd never get used to the Cross-Hotbar, but I find myself seemlessly swapping in and out of different bars to use all my skills. Also something

Thank you

Mirror's Edge is $5 on Origin.

PC most of the time, because of FFXIV. I'm not a part of that whole "PC master race hootenanny" stuff, as there's a ton of stuff I'd like to play on my other systems. Still haven't finished GTAV, Resident Evil Revelations, Dragon's Crown, etc. etc. etc.