LOL nice catch.
LOL nice catch.
You already stated the reason why with “using the same equipment (as applicable), using the same arms/ammunition”.
KC-130Js can’t refuel Air Force aircraft, it uses the probe and drogue method like the US Navy where the tanker extends a drogue and the receiver has to fly a probe into the drogue.
Watching legacy video of carrier ops, I'd forgotten just how much variety there was in an Air Wing back then.
Imagine if they had to do take off call outs.
Huge straight wing + lightness = Dat take off roll
Even with only 2 of the 6 underwing hardpoints utilized, it must suck to still have those ridiculously draggy pylons mounted.
The Israeli Air Force regularly made use of guns in the F-15s and F-16s during various engagements in the 80s despite the prevalence of modern AIM-9s and AIM-7s, and very loose RoE.
Because invariably things would prevent you from using BVR weaponry at it's optimal engagement ranges, be it Rules of Engagement, opposing Stealth or whatever. Even then, there is no guarantee your engagement ends with a BVR missile shot and that it doesn't progress further into the merge.
Do you know what was the best part of Fox's coverage?
In layman's terms, it would simply be a roll. The whole "barrel roll" thing is a stupid meme that started with Star Fox and the popularization of "do a barrel roll".
Just because it isn't done with ailerons doesn't mean its not an aileron roll...
Spoiler rolls then.
One day these headlights will be legal in the US.
"The Navy decided to use the aircraft to demonstrate carrier launches and recoveries, as well as autonomous inflight refueling with a probe and drogue. In November 2011, the Navy announced that aerial refuelling equipment and software would be added to one of the prototype aircraft in 2014 for testing."
The USAF needed a system that can pump fuel at a higher rate than the USN probe and drogue method-I'm sure because strategic bombers have so much larger fuel tanks-, so they went with the flying boom.
Airshows at locations that have backgrounds are fantastic. Photo/video is so much more spectacular with a sense of scale and speed, which is lacking when all you have is clear blue skies.
Considering the scale of such a deployment, wouldn't wireless charging's relative lack of efficiency be a massive impact to the whole thing?
"If the ticket has a mistake on it, it will be thrown out"