It is really so hard to understand why this happens?
*tinfoil hat* Facebook’s outages eclipses the Whistleblower news/search results that they are, in fact, evil and weaponizing depression..... which is really convenient timing
thats what happens when you live in democrat areas where everyone is getting paid not to work
Holy shit $150/month for unlimited data; in an urban environment? We pay $60.
Oh wow, Studio 60's back!
Same thing for me. I saw it in LA on the opening weekend and was shocked by that scene. Every other time I've seen it its been cut signifigantly.
though i’ve played every single GTA, V is the only one I ever managed to finish. I came close-ish with IV and San Andreas but I inevitably got bored as there was just too much, too much story, too much filler, too much of everything. V felt like the perfect blend: had a whole lot of shit to do, but the mechanics of…
Teach a person a bit of CSS and you frustrate them for a day. Teach a person how to properly write CSS and you frustrate them for a lifetime.
Step 1: Vacuum mattress.
Turn up ur speakers and click this pls.
Problematic Meat Backlog would make a great band name.
Gamers: No one is happy.