Whoa now christians claim to be both so I'm not sure that you can't be both at the same time unless you hate christians.
Whoa now christians claim to be both so I'm not sure that you can't be both at the same time unless you hate christians.
The main problem with workers making more money is the fact that they may buy more goods and services. Spending would be terrible for our economy and do more harm than good.
America has always hated the working poor. You know what jesus said about the poor. They are basically the worst.
Wow this is not going the way all those people who want to keep the poor people poor. Raises when?
Just glad the tax payers helped the driver's instead of the company. That how you do the grift folks. Make all the profits share them with no one socialize the losses. This is the smart way to business.
All these people that have made profits from the open sourced nature of the internet are fucking dumb as shit.
Ah just what facebook needs more racist content
Gotta get them young to secure that cash for gold pipeline.
Pretty sure if they get rid of 230 it's going to get worse and I'm 100% here for it
The fact that both parties steal labor from the free market on voting day is amazing.
Also, no one profits from people that have enough money to spend in the economy.
People keep flipping houses inflating the rental markets. I have even looked to see if it worth it to move out of the city. Its not worth it because even in small towns rents are about the same but you get more space. Which I don’t need or care about. I’m not moving farther out to spend more time traveling so I get…
I recently found this https://thetakeout.com/essential-cookbooks-chinese-cooking-1832102493 regarding chinese cookbooks.I was wondering is there is a run down of world cooking cookbooks? I’ve been trying to find random countries recipes to expand my cooking. It’s kind of hard to find authentic stuff online unless I’m…
Can't make america great by shipping off jobs because you're too cheap to pay labor
How much tax money did they receive for this amazing innovation?
They have done a good service by adding 50% more to bills that already had delivery. This is the innovation we needed.
Is this faster than the 4K firestick? I turned some stuff off via ADB commands but the firestick still seems slow to respond. Now that I know how to generate buttons in my Home Assistant software to go to the show I want want with a click of a button its better. I just want a lightweight player. Also, I need something…
Im just glad the wealthy are back at 100% payrate. Not getting 20000 a week or more has got to be tough.
We don't give telacoms breaks and we didn't burn teaboats for data caps
When has at&t been good at anything besides receiving tax payer money to do nothing with their network?