Sorry, we Canadians don't want him back. He was still sorta normal til you 'mericans got ahold of him and turned him all 'Florida'. You're stuck with him now. :)
Sorry, we Canadians don't want him back. He was still sorta normal til you 'mericans got ahold of him and turned him all 'Florida'. You're stuck with him now. :)
We really don't want to deal with him in Canada again...
So it's still hit and run if you take your victim with you?
This is why I learned to shoot, fly a plane and ride a motorcycle. I don't need these skills very often, but when the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm gonna bloody well be prepared!!
A short life but one hell of a legacy.
I leased a fully loaded, '13 Autobahn GTI for $414 a month and $500 down.
Since it has't been posted...
Best comment ever.
[/Tony Romo walks up to mailbox]
Windows: always clean in one direction on the inside, and wipe the perpendicular direction on the outside. I prefer to "go with" car travel on the outside. Then if I get fogging or streaks, I can tell if it's in or out side of the glass and re-clean it better.
Hey, better than the Olympic flame coming out, amirite Russia!!!1!!!?!?!!
How Red Bull Racing F1 cars are actually made:
[removes human suit]
Are those Quebec plates?
A Veyron driving in Quebec?
Yeah FUCK driving a Veyron on Quebec (or even Montreal) roads. I can barely sit in a chair stationary in Quebec without experiencing a 6 inch deep pothole, much less driving there.
Wait, so he finished running a marathon, got knocked down by an explosion, made it to the finish line, then refused a wheelchair because his hotel was just 6 blocks away. Bill Iffrig wins the award for being the most boss 78 year in human history.